industrial complex

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Results 1 - 10 from 614 for industrial complex in 0.286 sec.

Air Dispersion Models for Odour Dispersion Modelling
Industrial Source Complex Model (ISC3) is a steady-state Gaussian plume model which can be used to assess pollutant concentrations from wide variety of sources associated with an industrial complex ...

The Lowdown on Lockdown (Do or Die)
As Lorenzo Ervin puts it, "The Prison-Industrial Complex, as some activists call it is really a 'new' form of slavery with a ' ... observers noted the relative absence of African-Americans from the mix of protesters. ...The prison-industrial complex, where the scavenger logic of globalism is most crudely expressed, could be aligned with the ...

Bicycle Fixation: Archittecture, Money, Graffiti, and Birds
On to do without architecture. Simplicity, honesty and creating an aesthetic in harmony with the industrial age were some of the motivating forces behind the Modern Movement. (Never mind that society ... had not been there either tacitly or overtly to sanction it? Would the suburban-consumerist-industrial complex have grown to be the dominant economic paradigm of our time? The graffiti artists who ...

All over the world, they are suffering persecution from an ‘academic-industrial complex’ bent on promoting corporate science and technologies that endanger lives and destroy the planet. We ...

GRAIN | Publications | All GRAIN's publications
(January 2008) Seedling - Germ warfare - Livestock disease, public health and the military--industrial complex (January 2008) Seedling - Livestock diversity still threatened - Interlaken conference ducks the issues (January 2008) Seedling ...

Al Gore fires up hearts but oozes myths
What Gore should come out against is the military-industrial complex which includes the oil industry, but that can't happen. ... the levels at which people need to oppose the military industrial complex when the Pentagon and related agencies are rarely about “defense.” ... his cronies are trying to distract us from noticing: the industrial economy is killing the planet. There must, of course, be ...

Industrial Effluent
Industrial Effluent Industrial Effluent Effluent wastewater from an industrial facility may carry a broad and variable range of contaminants, including BOD, COD, color, phenols, cyanides, sanitary waste and a host of complex chemicals. Ozone, in combination with UV and/or other physical, chemical or biological processes, has the potential to treat complex industrial wastes due to ...

The Great Plains/Rocky Mountain HSRC - Design and Development of an Innovative Industrial Scale Process to Economically Treat Waste Zinc Residues
Research Phytoremediation Links Search for: in: Entire Website Design and Development of an Innovative Industrial Scale Process to Economically Treat Waste Zinc Residues Principal Investigators T.J. O'Keefe, ... and small plant scale level by Cominco, Ltd., in Canada. However, as with many complex reactions which are essentially under kinetic control, the operating parameters used have a major ...

Industrial Water Filters & Softeners - Kibler Chemical Corp. - About
State of Florida in 1982, for the purpose of providing commercial and industrial water treatment, expertise and products. The purpose of these products is to maintain water process ... 5,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility and a 1500 sq. ft. business office and laboratory complex which is owned and operated by the Corporation. Please contact us for your water treatment ...

Market Leaders
Mr. Cawley’s ... he supervises teams of professionals engaged in a variety of large, complex projects for institutional, industrial, municipal and federal clients. He has been leading technical ...

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