Results 1 - 10 from 657 for increased risk in 0.409 sec.
Lead Poisoning Guide for Children - Keep Kids Healthy
Children are most commonly exposed by the ingestion of lead paint chips or contaminated dirt, but there are many other factors that put your kids at increased risk, including folk medicines, hobbies, and where their parents work. Water and Lead Poisoning Review how to decrease your child's risk of lead poisoning from drinking ...
Noted Risk Assessment Expert Advises TN Governor to End Fluoridation
Thiessen also cites concern about fluoride increasing the risk for osteosarcoma (a bone cancer that is often fatal when it occurs in young males) and about increased risk for broken hips. Seniors with a ...
Significant Risk Facilities
The increased risk is estimated using computer models and performing what we call risk assessments, which take into account a number of factors including ... and the amount of time people have been exposed to the toxic substance. "Increased cancer risk" describes the increased chance of getting cancer from exposure to an air toxic. It's expressed as ...
Healthy House, Victoria, Australia. Healthy House design - "Fine particulate air pollution poses heart risk for postmenopausal
News Item - February 2007 "Fine particulate air pollution poses heart risk for postmenopausal women." In a recently published study in The New ... pollution PM2.5 (2.5 micron in diameter) are at increased risk of a cardiovascular event and death from coronary heart disease. ... opportunity to study the effect of air pollution on the risk for cardiovascular disease. The study found "that for each increase ...
At-Risk Native Species
The remaining plant and animal species are regarded as “secure” or “apparently secure.” In all cases, a wide variety of factors contribute to overall ratings. Increased risk levels for a particular species may be due to historical or recent population declines, or they may reflect natural rarity; biologists often consider very rare species to be at risk ...
NERC - Average temperatures have only increased by 07 degrees. So why does it matter?
So why does it matter? Natural Environment Research Council ... and events About this site Skip to content Average temperatures have only increased by 0·7°C. So why does it matter? The temperature rise ... deaths. The UK is also predicted to see heavier rainfalls, with an increased risk of flooding. There will be more ferocious tropical cyclones and more storm ...
Our Stolen Future: Adult PCB and DDE not associated with rise in breast cancer risk
New England Journal of Medicine 337:1253-8. This study indicates that PCBs and DDE contamination levels in adult women are not associated with increased risk of breast cancer. If anything, there is a slight but statistically insignificant decrease in risk associated with increasing levels of PCB and DDE ...
GE foods are likely to increase the risk for world hunger
Imminent oil shortage predicted ... risk for mass starvation in the future. This is brought about by a combination of: lower productivity and increased risk for crop failure caused by extreme climate conditions due to Global Warming and increased ...
Technical Risk in the Mass Media
German media coverage of technology by pointing to changes in journalists role definitions and attitudes.... 5.213 William Lanouette, Reporting on Risk ...
Pennsylvania's Environment At Risk: The Local Impacts of the Bush Administration's Environmental Policies - PennEnvironment
Natural Heritage Our Natural Heritage Reports Search • RSS Feed Pennsylvania's Environment At Risk: The Local Impacts of the Bush Administration's Environmental Policies 4/20/2004 ... one of the most prolific polluters in the United States. The Pentagon, capitalizing on increased public sympathy for the military and desire for homeland security, has requested blanket exemptions ...
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