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Earth's equator, where incoming sunlight is nearly vertical to the ground, and smallest near both poles, where sunlight arrives nearly horizontal to the ground. Near the poles ... to space by radiation exceeds the heat gained from sunlight, so air near the poles is losing heat. Conversely, heat gained from sunlight near the equator exceeds heat losses, so air near ...
Volcanic pollution results in a 5 to 10% reduction in direct sunlight, largely through scattering as a result of the highly reflective sulphuric acid aerosols. Large eruptions ... severe global cooling may have occurred as result of a reduction in the amount of incoming sunlight, scattered and reflected by the secondary sulphuric acid aerosols. Others suggest that the extra volumes ...
Forests absorb a lot of sunlight for photosynthesis, and only about 12 to 15% is reflected. The large amounts of energy ... particular are very wet and humid places. Deforested areas, by contrast, reflect about 20% of incoming sunlight. Deforested areas consequently, can become drier as a result of the loss of vegetation, increasing ...
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Translucent baffles, light shelves or other means reduce glare by softly diffusing incoming sunlight so it is evenly and widely dispersed. The result is daylit spaces illuminated with light superior in quality to the best artificial lights. Even unassisted sunlight ...
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Either way, more water vapor in the air means more precipitation. Hotter air makes the ... animal populations and soil biota. Different vegetation also alters the land's ability to absorb sunlight and to hold rainwater. This can affect erosion patterns under heavier rains. Parched forests, bad ...
Our Passive Solar Home at Deep Creek Lake, Maryland. (Passive Solar
Likewise in Summer, not only does heat conduct in through the window, but solar radiation (sunlight) is transmitted, raising internal temperatures significantly. What can be done? After doing some research, I ... slab floor. This floor could be solid concrete, or a layer of rock. Since the incoming sunlight will only heat the South side of the slab (via the windows) several ingenious methods ... | Global Cooling
Earth to incoming sunlight. Obviously, if a greater fraction of the sunlight arriving at the top of the atmosphere is reflected back into ...
Global Climate Change
Photo courtesy of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Some of the sun's incoming long wave radiation is reflected back to space by aerosols. Aerosols are very small particles ... greenhouse effect is a warming process that balances Earth's cooling processes. During this process, sunlight passes through Earth's atmosphere as short-wave radiation. Some of the radiation is absorbed ...
Water as an Energy Source: Wave, Tide and Hydroelectric Energy
In both cases, the oscillating motion of an incoming and outgoing wave is used to drive turbines that generate electricuty. Tide energy systems traps ... algae production. Solar ponds use the salt water in such a manner that heat from sunlight is effectively locked in the pool and can be used for a number of process ...
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