Results 1 - 3 from 3 for imperial ounces in 0.289 sec.
Rideau Canal Waterway - Oil/Gas Fuel Mix Tables
Imp Gal Imp ounces of oil 1 10.0 7.0 5.0 4.0 3. ... :1 24:1 32:1 40:1 50:1 US Gal US ounces of oil 1 8.0 5.5 4.0 3.2 2. ... 0 16:1 24:1 32:1 40:1 50:1 Litres US ounces of oil 5 10.5 7.0 5.5 4.0 3. ... US Gallon Contains: An Imperial Gallon Contains: A Litre contains: 128 US ounces 153.7 US ounces 33.8 US ounces 133.2 Imperial ounces 160 Imperial ounces 35.2 Imperial ounces 3.785 litres ...
Highlander Fanfiction: Lost Horizon, Part 3
Baltic amber . . ." "And fifteen ounces of the best Parisian perfume!" said Ayesha. She hastened to add, "Of course, I smashed ... . She had been unable to resist buying a whole set, complete with a five-clawed imperial dragon, ten inches long and fully articulated. There was an Emperor and a concubine, and ...
The Impact Of Decline Upon Weights And Measures
European Commission's banning of British Imperial weights and measures is the claim that feet and inches, gallons and pints, pounds and ounces do not belong in the "modern world ... Government must decriminalise Imperial measures, resist the European Union's banning order on pounds and ounces on January 1st 2000, and, most important of all, restore the teaching of Imperial measures in education ...