illicit trade

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Sanctuary Asia - Interviews
There is already a huge amount of information on them, but little determination by the authorities to effectively put a stop to their activities. So the illicit trade continues. Because ... to effectively apprehend the city-based wildlife criminals, the masterminds and benefactors of the tiger trade, is our biggest failing in India. One positive step is the proposed Wildlife Crime Bureau ...

EJF: PRESS RELEASE: Pirate Fish on Your Plate
Pirate Fish on Your Plate demonstrates how the illicit trade involves the laundering of illegal fish through Las Palmas and ends with a number of ...

World Conclaves and Conferences - Social and Economic Policy - Global Policy Forum
November 2001. All three focus on regional business development - attracting foreign investors, mastering international trade techniques, getting the most out of the global economy. Conference Against Racism UN High ... . (UN Links Globalisation to Racism - BBC) Conference on Small Arms The Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Their Aspects held in New York ... - Plea of Man for the Conservation of Species
Conservation of Species To forbid, to prohibit is to encourage the illegal and even illicit trade. It condemns many populations to its downfall and, by starvation, drifts them from their land ...

Protect elephants
Let us reflect upon the effects of trade in the context of the ... ’ is surely a narrow, rather simplistic view. Is the reopening of trade and the probability that this has encouraged illegal killings of ... an illicit trade in ivory. Our concern in Kenya is not trade; our worry is the killing of elephants for that trade. If there is no trade ...

Save The Tiger Fund | Tiger Trade Reports
Trade (English) TRAFFIC East Asia Report. Nowell, K, Xu Ling 2007 Taming The Tiger Trade (Chinese) Traffic East Asia Report. International Fund For Animal Welfare 2007 Made in China - The Illicit Trade in Tiger Bone in China. Environmental Investigation Agency, Wildlife Protection Society of India 2006 Skinning the Cat: Crime and Politics of the Big Cat Skin Trade. Shepherd ...

Save The Tiger Fund | Tiger Trade Facts & Fallacies
ASSUMPTION: Legalizing trade in farmed tiger products will decrease poaching of wild tigers. FACTS: There is no evidence to support such a claim. Poaching, smuggling and illicit trade are often run by organized criminal networks with large profit margins, and legalizing trade in products from farmed tigers is likely to ... More from this site

China, India and other countries with problematic trade in wildlife. Investigations into wildlife crime often uncover other criminal activities, including drugs and organised crime. Robbie Marsland, UK Director of IFAW, said: "The illegal trade in wildlife is second only to the illicit trade in drugs and arms, yet it receives a fraction of the ...

UNEP/GRID-Arendal - Publications - The Last Stand of the Orangutan - Illegal International Trade in Live Orangutans
A UNEP special mission team learned in 2006 that many illegally-caught orangutans, destined for illicit international trade, are ... sold to the crews of foreign fishing vessels, such as boats from Thailand. This illicit trade includes an opportunistic element, as well as involving illegal traders who deliberately seek out ...

EJF: Wildlife Trade in Vietnam - a Crisis facing Bears
Vietnam and many more are destined for illicit export. The Bear Bile Industry Conditions for the bears are cramped and very uncomfortable © WildAid ... (UDCA) are cheap and readily available. READ MORE Wildlife: an illegal international trade Why is wildlife traded? Wildlife Trade in Vietnam - a Crisis facing Bears Bear species in Vietnam The EJF response ...

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