identifying therapies

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Domestic and International Pediatric/Perinatal HIV Clinical Studies Network
AIDS, including antiretroviral drugs, therapies aimed at immune reconstitution, and use of therapeutic HIV vaccines; Identifying therapies or prophylactic regimens that prevent or ... survival, with a particular emphasis on metabolic toxicities; Identifying and evaluating gender-specific manifestations of HIV and identifying therapies to treat women-specific manifestations of HIV in ...

Oak Foundation: Special Interest Grants
Aalborg University, will focus research on understanding pain mechanisms and the development of therapies to relieve patients suffering inflammatory and degenerative locomotor diseases. (Second year of four-year ...

PNNL: Biological Separations and Mass Spectrometry: Biological Sciences: FCSD
Our approach involves identifying peptide markers for proteins that can be used for subsequent high-throughput mass ... and more effective detection of diseases, and thus lead to implementation of more effective therapies. For example, significant efforts at a number of laboratories are being made to ...

Drug therapy in combination with behavior therapies have been proven to be effective in treating stereotypies including tail chasing. A veterinarian ... they are treated during an early stage of development. The best results are obtained by identifying and removing the cause of the conflict, using an appropriate drug and counterconditioning. In ...

Johns Hopkins Gazette | August 4, 2008
Psychosocial Factors Team, his second term in this position. The group's focus is on identifying how stress and isolation affect crew health, safety and productivity during long-duration space missions ... of long-duration spaceflight on the heart and blood vessels, and on the development of therapies for the loss of physical fitness that typically accompanies long-term space travel. Its research ...

2002.06.17: (Fact Sheet)HHS Efforts to Promote Mental Health
Without access to ... symptoms of mental illness. Clinical Trials. NIMH sponsors long-term clinical trials that are identifying new effective treatments for people of all ages with mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, ...

Rio Grande
It is doubtful that we are even close to identifying these symptoms as products ...