Results 1 - 10 from 17 for ice sheet modeling in 0.279 sec.
Robert DeConto
Antarctic climates and ice sheets. ACE ... ice sheet modeling approach to the early Cenozoic history of the Antarctic ice sheet: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Bergengren, J. C., Thompson, S. L., Pollard, D., and DeConto, R. M., 2001, Modeling ...
IPCC - The Third Assessment Report - Working Group I
As shown in these three figures, models which take into account only natural climate factors during the last century fail to match the observed increase in global temperatures, while modeling ... adjust to warmer temperatures. Continental ice sheets will also continue to react over centuries - for instance, it is believed that the Greenland Ice sheet could melt completely, raising global ...
Earth and Space Sciences at U of W
Exam ESS Graduate Student, UW Advisor: Stephen Warren Title: "Sea Ice, Clouds and Climate: determining the Shortwave Radiation Budget in ... modeling of the 8.2 kyr abrupt climate change event. Wednesday, October 26 11:30-12:20, CDH 139 ESS BROWNBAG Lora Koenig "Sea Ice ... Lora Koenig - General Exam ESS Graduate Student, UW Title: "Ice sheet firn properties from Space-borne passive microwave sensors" ...
DOCP Seminar Calendar 07-08
Geostationary Satellites Oct 5 Raghu Murtugudde UMD From Physics to Fish: Nature's Rules and Biological Loopholes Oct 12 Amy Leventer Colgate The last ice sheet recession along the East Antarctic Margin: A model for ice sheet response in a warmer world? Oct 19 Luke Oman JHU Modeling the Volcanic Aerosol Distribution and ...
OCP International Polar Year 2007-2008 Research
West Antarctic Ice Sheet that if melted can contribute a little more to sea level rise than the melting of Greenland's ice sheet. As the predominant source of heat ... plans include the use of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle to map conditions within ice shelf cavities, and numerical modeling of the regional ocean circulation. PI: Stan Jacobs. The Earth Institute | LDEO home ...
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The Arctic and Antarctic -
A climate impact assessment was released in 2004 modeling some of the changes that may occur in the Arctic ... been made to reduce overfishing of these oceans. The Ice of Antarctica The ice sheet covering about 98% of Antarctica formed 25 million years ... are also studying the greenhouse effect, which may melt polar ice. Polar ice melt will cause major climatic changes and can cause problems ...
Ocean Structure and Circulation
Sabadini, R., 2002: Ice sheet collapse and sea level change. Science, 295, 2376-2377 Rignot, E., and S. S. Jacobs, 2002: Rapid bottom melting widespread near Antarctic ice sheet grounding lines. Science, ... of Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, 210-216, 489-504. Semtner, Albert J. 1995: Modeling ocean circulation. Science, 269, 1379-1385. Parilla, G., et al., 1994: Rising temperatures in ...
Global Hydrological Cycle
Water Cycle Changes in Arctic Ice Measured by Satellite Ice-Loss from Antarctica Accelerates Sea-Level Rise Antarctic Ice Accelerating Toward the Sea Vanishing of the Greenland Ice Sheet Due to Global Warming ... variability. Amer. Sci., 83, 58-67. Shuttleworth, William James. 1994: Large-scale experimental and modeling studies of hydrological processes. Ambio, 23, 82-86 Lau, K. M., C. H. Sui, ...
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Climate Change Report -AAAS
North Atlantic from studies using observations, data and modeling. "The next 100 years will experience climate ... the Greenland ice sheet would eventually result. "If the West Antarctic ice sheet becomes unstable, global sea level would rise about 5 meters and as much as seven meters if the Greenland ice sheet melts," ...
CO2 Science
Editorial Three Decades of Modeling Climate Sensitivity to CO2: How much progress has been made? ... and how much remains to ... , Orchardgrass, and Scots Pine. Journal Reviews Moulin Ruse: What's really happening to the Greenland Ice Sheet? Southern Hemisphere Deglacial Warming and Atmospheric CO2 Increases: What did the latter have to do ...
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