hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides

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Results 1 - 10 from 48 for hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides in 0.326 sec.

Earth Would Not Pass the Smog Test!
Ozone is a product of chemical reactions between hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides in the presence of sunlight. It is created when oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) react in heat and sunlight. NOx is produced and ...

Coalition for Clean Air - Air Pollution - Pollutants & Health Effects
Ozone (O3) Ozone forms when hydrocarbons combine with nitrogen oxides and chemically react in sunlight. Hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides are primarily produced by motor vehicles and ...

alternative energy : bio fuel - "About Biodiesel's Fuel Market"
Your vehicle may even get better mileage per gallon. The Government and Biodiesel The government is jumping on the Biodiesel ... the United States in total control of fuel, create more jobs for our citizens, and create a higher level of national security overall. Article Source: http://www.energyefficienthomearticles. ...

Catalytic Converters
(CO), volatile organic compounds (VOCs, including hydrocarbons) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) to less harmful compounds (water, nitrogen and carbon dioxide). To work most effectively, a catalytic ... leads to a dramatic reduction in the emissions of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. However, they also result in an increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions ...

Kids Ecology Corps: For Kids
What happens if you and your friends and a lot of other people believe the same thing? What happens when everyone ... out contain tiny particles of dirt and gases called hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. Hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides are harmful emissions. To sell cars in the United States, car companies in Japan and other countries had to make cars ...

Transportation and Air Quality A to Z Subject Index | US EPA
H hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) HC (Hydrocarbons) health effects heavy-duty trucks & vehicles highway motorcycles hybrid vehicles hydraulic hybrids ... (Mobile Source Air Toxics) MTBE top of page N National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory (NVFEL) nitrogen oxides NLEV (National Low Emission Vehicle Program) nonroad diesel nonroad vehicles nonroad ...

Coal Energy
Coal and the Environment energy calculator links page recent statistics HOW COAL WAS FORMED Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock composed mostly of carbon and hydrocarbons. ... industry and government have cooperated to develop "clean coal technologies" that either remove sulfur and nitrogen oxides from coal, or convert coal to a gas or liquid fuel. The scrubbers and NOx ...

California Fuel Cell Partnership
That's why GM is spending the largest portion of its research and ... ), hydrocarbon (HC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). Nissan has taken vigorous steps to protect the environment during vehicle use, such as by improving fuel economy and reducing exhaust emissions. ...

Science and the Environment Bulletin: Smoke on the Water
However, heavier hydrocarbons, such as oil and grease, remain on the surface for a longer period of time and ... exhaust for total hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oil and grease, and BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, (xylenes)—carcinogenic or mutagenic aromatic hydrocarbons formed through ...

Sources of Hydrocarbon and NOx Emissions in New England | Ground-level Ozone | New England | US EPA
NOx Emissions in New England Ground-level ozone is formed when volatile organic compounds (VOCs), also known as hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides (NOx) interact in the presence of sunlight. Sources of VOC and NOx emissions include: large industry such as chemical manufacturers, and combustion ...

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