Results 1 - 10 from 157 for hunting and poaching in 0.277 sec.
all about gorillas
George Schaller estimated that about 450 mountain gorillas lived in the Virungas in 1960. Hunting and poaching reduced their numbers to about 250 by 1981, when the protection efforts of the late Dian Fossey and others brought the decline to a ...
Peregrine biology - conservation issues
To satisfy the demand, poachers have been known to steal eggs and chicks from nests. Hunting and poaching have been taking place for hundreds of years, yet the Peregrine did not decline until earlier this century. The added stress of organochlorine poisoning in the form of DDT, aldrin, and ...
Greater Prairie Chicken - WDNR
Management Considerations: Market hunting and poaching historically led to significant population declines. Currently, predation on eggs and birds is the primary cause of mortality. ... for chicks. Predator control, pheasant removal, and creating artificial sources of food and water have little effect on increasing and stabilizing prairie-chicken populations. The most ...
Spectacled Bear
Scientists estimate that there are a minimum of 10,000 bears in the wild. Deforestation, loss of habitat due to farming, and hunting and poaching are ... in the species was prohibited from that time forward. Unfortunately, enforcement has been lacking and rarely supported by local personnel. Therefore, the spectacled bear is continually threatened by the ...
The Jane Goodall Institute
West and Central Africa. Now, they number about 150,000 in all of Africa. Habitat loss, bushmeat hunting and poaching for infants are the three major causes for the decline of chimpanzees in the wild. What do chimpanzees eat and drink? Chimpanzees drink water. They eat fruits, nuts, seeds, blossoms, leaves and ...
Terrestrial Ecoregions -- Maputaland-Pondoland bushland and thickets (AT1012)
This is because hunting and poaching have reduced large browsers such as black rhinos and kudus. Cause for Concern Half of the habitat in this ecoregion has been altered and ... habitat is continually being lost to crops such as tea, sugar cane, and maize. Furthermore, goats and other livestock are heavily overgrazing native vegetation near urban centers. Another major ...
The Jane Goodall Institute
West and Central Africa. Now, only four countries have significant populations of chimpanzees, and probably no more than 150,000 chimpanzees are left across all of Africa. Habitat loss, bushmeat hunting, and poaching for infants are the three major causes for the decline of chimpanzees in the wild. I'm working on a report and I have a question ...
The Jane Goodall Institute
West and Central Africa. Now, only four countries have significant populations of chimpanzees, and probably no more than 150,000 chimpanzees are left across all of Africa. Habitat loss, bushmeat hunting, and poaching for infants are the three major causes for the decline of chimpanzees in the wild. I'm working on a report and I have a question ...
ETFRN NEWS 43/44: Forests and conflicts
The greatest challenges to the long-term survival and integrity of the Reserve are immigration and exploitation. Ideally ... its victims and essential to its success as guides, scouts and even gun-wielding poachers. But poaching depletes the Ituri forest, on which a large concentration of hunting and gathering Mbuti ...
Tigers - Photos, Sounds, and Information
Because of the decline of territory and poaching, tigers starve to death and show sharp declines in their populations. Severe loss of habitat due to the growth and spread of man amplify this by ... and China offered a bounty as compensation for their destruction, so tigers were shot or poisoned carelessly. Hunting tigers became very popular in the 1900's, especially with the Indian upper class and ...
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