Results 1 - 10 from 53 for hunters and trappers in 0.312 sec.
Calculating the Costs of Maine's Coyote Snaring Program
But as Maine’s coyote population increased, killing the fecund critters became popular among hunters and trappers – and the state reimbursed them for their time and ...
No Ban on Coyote Snaring In Lynx Areas
IFW, under pressure from deer hunters and trappers, rejected its biologists’ recommendations last year to retain and strengthen the limited ban on snaring imposed in 2000 to protect lynx and other non-target animals. IFW ... his memo that Jo Powers of the Maine Trappers Association (MTA) "would be willing to take all incidental or non-target species and skin and tan" them for IFW at no cost to ...
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Defenders Of Animals - Wildlife
Althought DEM officials did not listen to our concerns and requests, the court later ruled in favor of the owner. When hunters and trappers introduced a bill to allow the destruction of the otter, Defenders testified at the hearings and stepped up ...
Raccoon, Procyon lotor, damage control and management information
In 1982 to 1983, raccoons were by far the most valuable furbearer to hunters and trappers in the United States; an estimated 4.8 million raccoons worth $88 million were harvested. Raccoons also provide recreation for hunters, trappers, and people who enjoy watching them. Although raccoon damage and ...
SD Briefcase | IISD
North being hosted by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC). The video is the outcome of a project involving IISD and the Hunters and Trappers Committee of Sachs Harbour who documented the problem of Arctic climate change through the use of participatory workshops, semi-structured interviews, community meetings and fieldwork ...
Mr. Sevin
These leases allowed the hunters and trappers opportunity to build camps in the bayou. Virtually all were ... French was a real asset in the land of the Cajuns, and most fun was working with the trappers, duck hunters and alligator harvesters with their leases. Least fun admits Lee Roy ...
A history of wildlife in North America -
Canada. By the end of the 18th century, the fur trade was no longer profitable, in large part because beaver and ... dams, flood roads and parks, burrow into flood control levees, and cut down newly planted trees that are part of home landscaping. In the absence of natural predators and trappers to control populations, ...
Gone Hunting
Opossum pelts used to be valuable to hunters and trappers. Here is a shipping tag to accompany the pelts mailed to this turn of the century "Fur House." You'd bundle the pelts together, and ... companion "De 'Possum Hunt "Treed" at Possum Network also. And some postcards have the caption Possum For Yo' Breakfast. ...
Fish and Wildlife - Environment - Province of British Columbia
The Hunting and Trapping Synopsis sets out general hunting information, summarizes important hunting regulations, and defines the open seasons with maps indicating no hunting, no shooting, and other closed areas. 2008-2009 Hunting and ...
Red and Gray fox damage control and management
Trails leading to and from den sites and to carcasses being fed on by foxes make excellent locations for snares. Shooting Harvest of foxes by sport hunters and fur trappers is another method of reducing fox populations in areas where damage is occurring. Livestock and poultry producers who have predation problems during the late fall and winter ...
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