hunt involves

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Results 1 - 10 from 52 for hunt involves in 0.312 sec.

Being an Elk
Tommy Hammarstrøm in the Swedish newspaper Expressen, April 4, 1993. He ... that "... there are no ecological arguments for stopping the minke whale harvest ... a strictly regulated hunt involves, on the contrary, protection of the minke whale. In that way, one will attain ...

Gord Casey
Great Northern Peninsula to hunt seals with my good friend Larry, and his fishing partner, Bruce. Difference between landsmen and offshore seal hunts in Newfoundland The landsmen hunt involves smaller boats, 18- ... closer and sometimes further. Sealers generally return to shore each night. The larger offshore hunt involves vessels between 35 and 65 feet, with greater participation in the close to 65 ...

Robert Gilman - The Village And Beyond
This has two aspects, one more physical, the other more mental. The physical side involves the ... prowess, and the rhythm of extreme exertion followed by rest and celebration. The mental side involves exploring and problem solving "on your feet" - using all your senses and all your cunning ...

Conservation of Wildlife and Nature Bill 1999
Thus the Bill does not, for example, authorise anybody to hunt on privately owned land ithout the permission of the owner or occupier of the land ... due diligence to avoid committing the offence. (4) Where the defence provided by subsection (3) involves an allegation that the offence was due to the act or default of another person ...

Baloch Cheetah Survey 1
They claim that these Barangs mostly hunt in pairs, sometmes catching adult antelopes also. I myself have driven ... falconers have the misconception (or have been deliberately misinformed, because it involves a lot of money) that the Fox, the Jackal, the Steppes ... do here, therefore I have had ample time and oppurtunity to hunt in my area of command. I have shot Ibex, Urial, ...

Peregrine Falcon - WDNR
Peregrines will eat a great variety of species, however, depending on what is available. Peregrines hunt primarily at dawn and dusk, when their prey is most active. They strike and capture ... places have been successful and many chicks have been reintroduced to traditional peregrine habitat. Reintroduction involves more than just turning birds loose at a site. The birds are "hacked," a technique ...

Education World® : Lesson Planning Channel : Archives : Holidays & Special Days
Included: A Hanukkah game, a Kwanzaa recipe, and an activity that involves students in diagramming similarities and differences in holiday celebrations! Mother's Day Magic: Today's ... glimpse into the lives of the men and women it honors. Included: An Internet Treasure Hunt plus Web-based activities for learning about and celebrating Memorial Day! Straight from the ...

WELL - Resource Centre Network for Water, Sanitation and Environmental Health
Information on the Internet Author: Ingeborg Krukkert, March 2006 Quality Assurance: Kristof Bostoen and Caroline Hunt Introduction For many people, the Internet has become the first medium to turn to when ... important that you are confident about the quality of the information. A simple, basic check involves at least three key points(6): Who? Can you find out who has written the ...

SoundNet - Whaling - A Bloody Business
Secondly, there are exceptions for "aboriginal whaling"; the American Eskimos are still allowed to hunt the bowhead whale and the gray whale, and the Russians are allowed to take 100 ... this particular get out clause that Japan kills whales. Oddly enough though, their 'scientific research' involves selling the carcasses to restaurants for food. So perhaps the Japanese prefer to do their ...

The new understanding of genes
According to these assumptions of genetic determinism it is meaningful to hunt genes that cause undesirable properties and it is as well meaningful to insert new and ... . The expression of a gene is the result of a complicated network of interactions that involves not only the whole cell but the whole organism and even the environment. The old ...

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