Results 1 - 10 from 21 for humpback chub in 0.256 sec.
Living Rivers Grand Canyon Campaign
SC=Species of concern. FISH Colorado pikeminnow (X) Razorback sucker (X) Bonytail chub (X) Roundtail chub (X) Humpback chub (E) Flannelmouth sucker (SC) Bluehead sucker (SC) Speckled dace (SC) AMPHIBIANS Relict leopard ...
Glen Canyon Institute
The Colorado Pikeminnow, and the Bonytail Chub, have been wiped out of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon because of Glen Canyon Dam. The Humpback Chub, and the Razorback Sucker, are listed as Endangered Species. Despite efforts to alter flows from the dam, only about 1100 adult Humpback Chub remain in the Colorado River ...
Colorado River Lowdown
Endangered Humpback Chub with the highly-publicized artificial floods in November 2004. The Grand Canyon Protection Act mandates protection and recovery of native Humpback Chub populations and Glen Canyon Institute ...
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Living Rivers Grand Canyon Campaign
The razorback sucker is no longer found in Grand Canyon, and the humpback chub has declined 80% to approximately 1,100 fish. Additionally, the dam continues to cause the ...
Riparian Area Loss and Degradation on the Colorado Plateau
C. A. and Tyus, H. M. 1990. Humpback chub (Gila cypha) in the Yampa and Green Rivers, Dinosaur National Monument, with observations on roundtail chub (G. robusta) and other sympatric fishes. Great Basin ...
USGS National Wildlife Health Center - Diseases of Wildlife in the United States
National Parks. Persistence of Asian fish tapeworm in endangered humpback chub. Immunization of prairie dogs and other wild rodents against plague. For more information on any ...
Discover a Watershed
"A farmer in Baja California; a humpback chub in the waters of the Little Colorado; a river guide on the Green; a high ...
Fish and Wildlife Service
Salmo clarki Gila Trout - Salmo gilae Arizona (Apache) Trout - Salmo sp Desert Dace - Eremichthys acros Humpback Chub - Gila cypha Little Colorado Spinedace - Lepidomeda vittata Moapa Dace - Moapa coriacea Colorado River Squawfish - Ptychocheilus ...
Endangered Fish Ranks Climb
Colorado pikeminnow, the humpback chub, the razorback sucker and the bonytail chub — are stable or increasing. And now that the fish have access to ... . Of the four endangered fish the humpback chub is doing best, if raw numbers are the only score. There are an estimated 3,000 adult humpback chubs in the Black Rocks section of ...
WWF - Colorado
Four are endemic and endangered: Colorado pikeminnow (formerly Colorado squawfish), razorback sucker, bonytail chub, and humpback chub. Livelihood facts The Colorado River's waters are used to irrigate the parched but fertile ...
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