huge differences

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Results 1 - 10 from 162 for huge differences in 0.301 sec.

Save the Redwoods - Boycott the Gap Tear-gassed at Seattle WTO Protests
European farm subsidies-of huge importance to U.S. and Canadian agricultural exporters-and whether to tax sales on the ... collapsed. Exhausted WTO delegates said they would try again next year in Geneva to bridge huge differences. Public attention will eventually shift from the mayhem of last week, but a new political ...

Orca Network - Luna's story
DFO and NMFS put down some of their professional differences while rallying to Luna’s assistance. There was also the potential ... this: Maybe Luna can teach us how, in spite of the huge differences in perspective between peoples, there may still be common ground when ... with a loading operation conducted at a log sort by a huge barge that hauls logs from Nootka Sound to destinations up and ...

Pioneer Species - plants for re-establishing Woodland - Plants For A Future
Britain were deprived of their tree cover many centuries ago. It seems difficult ... were huge differences between the different species with some still less than 1 metre tall and, at the other end of the scale, others were more than 5 metres tall. Seeing these huge differences ...

Say No To GMOs! - February 2007 - Texas
Tiny differences in genes can make huge differences in the bug. Nobody knows for sure how dangerous UT's flu was ...

ECO-PROS Invasive Non-Native Species
This lines the pockets of the traders, shippers and sellers of these goods with huge profits of millions of dollars. But, who pays to manage and control the global ... environmental damage than the original problem they were introduced to solve. What currently is "naturalness"? Differences in species introductions, how climate change affects global economy and alien species, and suggestions ...

Chris Roberts - Growing With Sunbow
It was as if Sunbow expanded in a series of huge steps. So much had happened so fast that, along with the ... t know. I do know that we stuffed, ignored and suppressed personal differences for the sake of an ideal and finally had to ...

Helena Norberg-Hodge - The Cost Of Development
Alan: Like military conversion, it calls for a shift in direction for existing subsidies, not huge additional expenditures. Helena: Yes. The current status quo means rapid change, and this change now ... jobs. It's only natural then that group differences, which previously were there but were not a source of dissension, suddenly become huge dividing lines. But scarcity bumping up against kinship ties ... More from this site

Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
With both sides reaffirming their old positions, the summit failed to overcome the differences between the EU and the US on the issue of combating climate change. "We ... . Industrialised countries are considered responsible for global warming problem as, historically, they have emitted huge quantities of GHGs into the atmosphere on their path to economic prosperity. Moreover, there ...

Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
GHG reductions. But differences persisted on eligibility of additional human-induced land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF ... an eligible status under CDM, big developing countries will suck most of the investments providing huge emission reductions per nuclear project. China is already waiting for nuclear power plant cost to ... More from this site

NLCP Sister School Program
Luangwa National Park could benefit them through tourism. Although there are many cultural and economic differences between Zambian and American schoolchildren, they soon learned that they shared a love of the ... clear plastic tape or the duct tape will roll and become sticky and cause a huge problem. However, with the clear tape over it - it makes a nearly waterproof and indestructible ...

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