hokianga harbour

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NATUREANDCO.COM - Visit Waipoua Forest - Northland - New Zealand
From Hokianga South Head, the track leads to an old signal station used to guide ships in and out of the harbour. Waiotemarama ... the beginning of the 20th century to join Dargaville to the Hokianga Harbour. The going is not difficult, but on the high plateau the ... 15 hours The walkway follows the coast from the entrance of the Hokianga Harbour to the Kai Iwi Lakes, south of Waipoua Forest. It is ...

Welcome to Forest and Bird
Manukau Harbour and confirm that Maui’s dolphins regularly use the harbour and range further into the harbour than the protected area. Maui' ... fishery. Both fishing methods are banned in defined areas including: Kawhia Harbour, Aotea Harbour, Raglan Harbour, Manukau Harbour, Kaipara Harbour, Hokianga Harbour, Waikato River Mouth and the harbours of Herekino and Whangape. ...