hillary clinton

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Hillary Clinton's name to be placed in nomination at convention - Los Angeles Times
Robert B. Barnett and Cheryl Mills, a White House counsel in Bill Clinton's administration. Some aides to Hillary Clinton said she had been unsure about the wisdom of putting her name into nomination. While the convention can offer a coveted place in the national spotlight, Clinton risks appearing ...

Monthly summary for April 2000
CNN (Africa) Apr 25: India approves urgent drought relief - BBC (World) Apr 26: Hillary Clinton says Giuliani should apologize for 'storm troopers' remark - CNN Apr 26: India dismisses drought fears ...

On A Move, by Ramona Africa (SF dept of womens studies )
You must breathe air, I don't care if your name is Hillary Clinton, or you know, the woman that lives on the street down the block ... I say those that run the system, I'm not talking about Bill Clinton, or any politician. They don't have any power. They're taking ... decisions, that call the shots. They are the ones that put Bill Clinton in office. They are the ones that put priority and money over ...

USA leads in lead-poisoning elimination
America’s example in managing the lead-poisoning issue. In the United States, Senators Hillary Clinton and Mike Dewine are sponsoring legislation that would allow homeowners a tax credit of up ...

The Rosenstiel School: Advancement Office
Secrets series. Click here to read about our recent Red Tide Seminar in Naples Senator Hillary Clinton, D-New York, visited the Rosenstiel School in December 2003 to support Luis Ismael Arias ...

Printed Matter -- Doris Kearns Goodwin -- February 5, 1995
Hillary Clinton, take heart. Goodwin tells us about the big things and the little things that made ...

This Week Total Issues June 1999 - December 1999 presidential elections 21 18 11 15 65 Hillary Clinton and the NY senate race 7 6 7 7 27 budget surplus and tax cuts ... for Talk Magazine 1 1 urban sprawl 1 1 toilet water level regulation 1 1 Clinton as lame duck 1 1 Sammy Sosa 1 1 homosexuals and Christians 1 1 doctors ...

top twenty issues 99
Top Twenty Issues 99 Top Twenty Issues: June 1999 - Dec 1999 1. presidential elections 2. Hillary Clinton and the New York Senate Race 3. budget surplus and tax cuts 4. George W ... More from this site

Clinton, Obama and Energy
Clinton, Obama and Energy Clinton, Obama and Energy Are we running out of energy? Are the days of cheap oil over? Is it time to get out the hoe and plant a victory garden? Will Hillary Clinton ...

Clinton backers plan noise at Dem convention - The conventions -
Senator Obama," Clinton spokeswoman Kathleen Strand said. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took a swipe at the Clinton diehards Wednesday. "I think Hillary Clinton has been very gracious," the ... evening Hillary Clinton speaks at the convention. The group has been pushing for Clinton's name to be placed in nomination. In announcing that her name will be placed in nomination, Clinton ...

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