higher wages

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Results 1 - 10 from 88 for higher wages in 0.263 sec.

Deforestation: Madagascar
These peasants would then clear additional land so that they could practice shifting cultivation and ...

EcoFuture (TM) Population and Sustainability - Population, Immigration, and Global Ethics
In l870 American wages were 136% the wages of Europeans, and from this position of strength ... to enter the main stream. The labor shortage which resulted in higher wages for everyone, allowed unions to grow, and promoted a solid ... unemployment rate for blacks and other minorities continues to be much higher than it is for whites today, and the absolute number ...

ETFRN NEWS 43/44: Forests and conflicts
Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines and The Solomon Islands had lower quality timber, higher transport costs and higher wages. Additionally the four resident logging companies had already monopolized the most accessible forest resources ...

NPG Forum: Official Optimism, Journalistic Hype: The 1996 UN Population Projections by Lindsey Grant
Worldwide, only Italy, Spain, Greece and Japan are expected to have dependency ratios higher than 80% in 2050. Overall, the curve for Europe in Figure 3 is hardly ... labor, with the consequent incentive to substitute capital for labor, leading in turn to higher productivity and higher wages; reduced infrastructure needs, freeing capital for productive investment; Europe will be able to ...

Raising the Minimum Wage
The report finds that: Raising the Minimum Wage Would Help Millions of Workers. In the third quarter of 2000, 2.6 million workers earned wages at ... wage has no negative effect on employment. Recent research has even suggested that higher wages can increase employment, because such higher wages increase employers' ability to attract, retain, and motivate workers. In this ...

Sustainable Agriculture Newsletter, Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2001
Higher farm income sounds a lot better than higher food prices. How much sympathy would union autoworkers get for going on strike for higher automobile prices?” “The higher ... Most people who leave farming are ‘pulled’ off by higher wages, economist says The majority of people who have left ... of Minnesota economist. Instead, they were “pulled” away by higher wages in the non-farm sector. “My own case is ...

Twenty eight people were injured after ten thousand workers rioted in the capital, Dhaka, demanding higher pay to cover fast-increasing food costs. Rice prices in Bangladesh have doubled in the ... . United Arab Emirates March 2008 Soaring food prices caused hundreds of workers to protest for higher wages in Sharjah, where cars and offices were set on fire. Senegal March 2008 & November 2007 ...

ODI/GUFFP event: The development impact of social transfers: Lessons from the South African experience
Toit went on to show that increased economic growth has also not resulted in higher income for many households. In fact households' share of income generated has been declining over ... Toit states that although firms would like to increase supply and employ more people on higher wages, they cannot find qualified people. 40% of the active population between 16 and 65 are ...

What Can You Learn from History?
It had not always been so: previous century had been one of higher wages, greater security for peasants. Eliz builds up surplus. High land values, but Spain threatens. 1588 ... ” I refer to more than “prosperity” in the Hoover sense, to full employment with high wages and less division into classes. Also see: Another Gaffney Classic: Sales-tax Suicides through History ...

Paul Hawken, James Ogilvy, and Peter Schwartz - Rural Renaissance
Many who attempted the transition failed. Some could not adapt to lower wages or to the more modest lifestyle. Others missed the tension they had once dreaded. Others ... was not as dramatic. While the suburbs experienced some of the plight of the cities - higher transportation and food costs, rising crime and unemployment - they also had some of the advantages ...

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