higher temperatures

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Results 1 - 10 from 536 for higher temperatures in 0.289 sec.

The Challenge of Climate Change by Sir David King
The science is clear that this rise in temperatures will continue and will accelerate, leading to a rise in the range of 1.4C ... comfortable places to live. The UK's climate has followed the global trend towards higher temperatures, with Central England temperatures rising by almost 1 °C over the last century. New records have ...

Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
Higher temperatures and increased dryness in the eastern and southern regions are not the only cause of ...

The Green Lane: Acid rain
Climate change It is expected that with climate change, there will be accompanying higher temperatures and drought. Climate change can also cause harmless sulphur compounds that have built ... returns, the sulphates are flushed into the surrounding lakes and increase their acidity. Mercury Higher concentrations of mercury commonly found in acid lakes can cause reproductive problems in birds ...

Multilateral Environment Agreements (MEAs)and the Urban Arena:Localizing the Global Environmental Agenda
CO2. Higher CO2 levels undoubtedly affect urban dwellers, in terms of respiratory illness, higher temperatures, and a host of related maladies.But 'climate change' is ...

Multilateral Environment Agreements (MEAs) and the Urban Arena
CO2. Higher CO2 levels undoubtedly affect urban dwellers, in terms of respiratory illness, higher temperatures, and a host of related maladies. But 'climate change ... More from this site

David Suzuki Foundation: Climate Change : Air Pollution
Studies also show that warmer temperatures drive up pollen counts, which worsen symptoms of allergy sufferers. Researchers have found ... animals from ultraviolet radiation, ground level ozone is a primary ingredient of smog. Higher temperatures increase ground level ozone production - thus climate change will intensify urban smog. Ozone ...

Books from the Earth Policy Institute
Farmers may now also face higher temperatures than any generation since agriculture began. The 16 warmest years since recordkeeping began in ... knowledge to eradicate the poverty that fuels rapid population growth. "Avoiding the damaging effects of higher temperatures on crop yields means moving quickly to stabilize climate. In Plan B," says Brown, " ...

Books from the Earth Policy Institute
India's harvest has also suffered from high temperatures, including a heat wave in which temperatures reached 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit) in May, killing more than ... by acid rain and, by far the largest of all, the costs of climate change. Higher temperatures can wither crops and reduce harvests. They also cause ice melting and rising sea level ... More from this site

Climate change 1
The Larsen B ice sheet in Antarctica has been breaking up in response to higher temperatures. MODIS image courtesy of NASA's Terra ... -screen graphic While some species undoubtedly would not be able to adapt and cope with higher temperatures, others would thrive in the new climate, crowding out other species. Evidence of this shift ...

Consequences (vol. 1, No. 1) - America's Water Supply: Status and Prospects for the Future
Recent research suggests that other seeding materials might condense precipitation from clouds of higher temperatures and thus in other seasons. Proponents argue that in areas with favorable conditions ... , legal barriers may restrict its use. Towns receiving more snow might object to higher snow- removal costs; downstream residents might suffer increased spring flooding; and downwind communities ...

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