hidden meanings

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Printed Matter -- Jane Hamilton -- Page
Page Hamilton supplies psychological depth, no hidden meanings November 21, 1999 Elisabeth Sherwin -- gizmo@ "I ... unpretentious and refreshing to talk to. She says there are no hidden meanings in her novel "A Map of the World." "I just wrote ... it to absorb myself in another world." Her books may not have hidden meanings, but they do have psychological depth. "A Map of the World" ...

Edmonds Institute Occasional Paper
There is no normal child hidden behind the autism. Autism is a way of being. It is pervasive; ... means you're assuming a shared system, a shared understanding of signals and meanings, that the child in fact does not share. It's as if ... . You’re going to have to give up your assumptions about shared meanings. You’re going to have to learn to back up to levels ...

Political labels -- Ohio Citizen Action
If not, you are superficial or deceptive, keeping your agenda hidden. Most people do not want to be considered unserious, superficial, or deceptive, so there is ... "pro-welfare," he is going to be confused. Many common political labels have multiple confusing meanings: "Progressive" refers to a middle class reform drive in the early years of the 20th ...

Roles In Groups
The ELABORATOR spells out suggestions in terms of examples or developed meanings, offers a rationale for suggestions previously made, and tries to deduce how an idea or ... manner. Finally, the group must be willing to exclude an individual whose personal needs and hidden agendas threaten to disrupt and derail the entire group process. The range of roles within ...