hexanchus griseus

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Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department
Bluntnose Sixgill Shark ³ (Hexanchus griseus) Roughskin Dogfish ³ (Cirrhigaleus asper) Thresher Shark ³ (Alopias vulpinus) Sharpnose Sevengill Shark ³ (Heptranchias perlo) Narrowfin Smooth-hound ³ (Mustelus norrisi) Bigeye Sixgill Shark ³ (Hexanchus nakamurai) (Additional species in preparation ...

The Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - The Sharks of the Monterey Bay - Benthic Sharks
Shark Research Foundation - The Sharks of the Monterey Bay - Benthic Sharks Six Gill Sharks - Hexanchus griseus RESEARCH Depth telemetry, diet studies and surveys of basic biological aspects of the sixgill ... concerning this shark, probably due to its deep water habitat. DESCRIPTION The sixgill shark (Hexanchus griseus) is a common species of deep water shark and one of the largest nonplankton ...

Provisional Fish List
Dipturus batis Raja clavata Raja miraletus Raja oxyrinchus Raja undulata Order Hexanchiformes HEXANCHIDAE Heptranchias perlo Hexanchus griseus Order Lamniformes LAMNIDAE Carcharodon carcharias Isurus oxyrinchus Lamna nasus Order Squaliformes SQUALIDAE Squalus blainvillei Squalus ...

Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department
Heterodontidae Heterodontus francisci horn shark Hexanchidae Heptranchias perlo sharpnose sevengill shark Hexanchidae Hexanchus griseus bluntnose sixgill shark Hexanchidae Hexanchus nakamurai bigeye sixgill shark Hexanchidae Notorynchus cepedianus sevengill shark Lamnidae Carcharodon carcharias white ...