herring gull

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Herring Gull copyright photograph by David Lingard
Herring Gull copyright photograph by David Lingard Western Gull (Larus occidentalis) This gull was found at the coastal town of Seaside in Oregon, USA. I was hoping that I might have found a gull which was new to me but after consulting the field guides I believed that this was a Herring Gull. I posted ... of Monterey, California, who patiently explained why it is a Western Gull, ...

EMS - Environmental Entomology - Invertebrate Surveys and Conservation - Bird and Insect Databases
May-August 14-24 days; cared for by parents until after fledging but period unknown ... continuously 2-4 days, partly under n/k n/k n/k predation by glaucous gull and Arctic fox n/k 65% of eggs laid, Spitzbergen; 65% of eggs laid, Greenland ...

Sable Island Litter 5
Sable Island Litter 5 A Herring Gull Larus argentatus found with a plastic six-pack yoke caught around its head and bill. By the time entangled seabirds are found on the beach, most are dead.

gulls and terns
We will add more pictures as they become available. A Bonaparte's gull takes flight. These gulls are small, but often display a bit of attitude by antagonizing ... ) and Herring Gull back. Lesser black-backed gull Iceland gull Photographs by Dennis Oehmke and Kanae Hirabayashi. The Caspian tern (orange bill) is seen with Franklin's Gulls (dark hoods, foreground), a Bonaparte's gull ...

Save Our Seine River Environment Inc >> The Seine River >> Fauna Observations
Teal Bufflehead Hooded Merganser Cooper's Hawk American Kestrel Merlin Killdeer Spotted Sandpiper Franklin's Gull Herring Gull Mourning Dove Blacked-billed Cuckoo Eastern Screech-Owl Snowy Owl Long-eared Owl Common Nighthawk ...

About Our Great Lakes -Ecology- NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab (GLERL)
The Great Lakes are ... deepwater sculpin, the emerald shiner, lake sturgeon, lake trout, freshwater drum, lake whitefish, lake herring, the longnose sucker, the ninespine stickleback, largemouth bass, pumpkinseed, muskellunge, northern pike, rainbow smelt ...

Sable Island Birds Nesting I
Gulls Two gull species regularly nest on Sable Island - Herring Gull and Great Black-backed Gull. The Herring gull, with a wingspan of 147 cm, is the most commonly seen gull in most coastal areas of Atlantic Canada. Some overwinter on the island, but the majority of Herring ...

History of Lake Champlain Land Trust
In 1977, the states of New York and ...

Birds and animals seen on the OL
Green-Winged Teal 39 Hairy Woodpecker 40 Harrier 41 Hermit Thrush 42 Herring Gull 43 Hooded Merganser 44 Louisana Waterthrush 45 Magnolia Warbler 46 Mallard 47 Marsh Wren 48 ... ) 59 Red-Shouldeed Hawk 60 Red-Tailed Hawk 61 Red-Winged Blackbird 62 Ring-Billed Gull 63 Ringneck Duck 64 Ruby-Crowned Kinglet 65 Scarlet Tanager 66 Sharp-Shinned Hawk 67 ...

RIDOLFI Inc. - Commencement Bay Post-Restoration Monitoring Program, WA
Crescent gunnel Saddleback gunnel Bay Pipefish Threespine stickleback Snake prickleback Pacific herring American coot American crow American golden plover American goldfinch American pipit American ... glaucous gull glaucous-winged gull golden-crowned kinglet golden-crowned sparrow graylag goose great blue heron greater scaup green-winged teal Heermann's gull hermit thrush herring gull hooded ...

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