heart shot

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Results 1 - 10 from 174 for heart shot in 0.390 sec.

Kangaroo Industry Assocn of Australia - Background Info
The vast bulk of the remained were heart shot. The RSPCA commented that a heart shot could be considered a humane outcome, but was clearly less desirable than a head shot ... of harvesters and an absolute requirement for head shot animals for meat production have seen major improvements. ... not head shot, it found that most of these were heart shot and that, whilst less desirable than a head shot, ...

I am a savage and do not understand how the ... take it. And with all your strength, with all your might, and with all your heart - preserve it for your children, and love it as God loves us all. One thing ...

Scentpost July 1999
Dingo Sanctuary. As they reached inside for satchels, my heart sank. If this was going to be another session attempting to flog ... skimpily-clad, posing with a Dingo in front of her as a cover shot. Oh, and it had been decided that they should do a similar one ... breasts to make them point. Heaven knows how they used the material they shot, but I guess we should try to get a copy for our ...

Bougainville (Do or Die)
When you take our land, you cut out the very heart of our existence." The relationship between people and land is perhaps ... – an Australian subsidiary of British mining giant RTZ) - mine in the heart of the island at Panguna in Central Bougainville. The profits from ... gun and two of his teeth fell off. Then he was shot in his heart once and another time in his side. "The PNG cannot win ...

Baloch Cheetah Survey 1
It is because caracals are trapped, shot and poisoned for their tails, which are chopped off and presented as ... On being shown photographs, he made positive identification. About how he had shot the Cheetah: " We were going to PASNI, and then onwards to ... visible. I took the rifle from one of them and shot it through the heart. It was a male. We skinned it in the morning ...

EcoIQ Magazine Summer 2001 Features
My best shot at a definition of simple living would go something like this: Simple living or voluntary ... to create the life that reflects the unique people we truly are. This is the heart and soul of simplicity and is what this book is all about. Finding out who ...

Eugene Permaculture Guild - Eugene Oregon
Now I open my house and heart, and enjoy them as valued neighbors who were here ... for sustainable, healing, and joyous habitation of Earth.”  The heart of the course is the weekly posts which are ... heart and sweetness in my soul, and lightly touched him on his soft fuzzy exposed belly. The explosion was immediate, and as I best recall,in fantastic slow motion.  Sid shot ...

Greentimes - Essay Contest
Then he woke up in a frightening way that made his heart pound, and he said, Β“It ...

The Jane Goodall Institute
Calgary Herald 4/10/2008 β€” Mystery of Rising Ape Heart Disease "heart disease is killing adult male apes in zoos around the U. ... are getting sick and, in some cases, suddenly dying of various heart ailments."β€”ABC News 4/8/2008 β€” Tanzania: Arusha ... /2007 β€” Four mountain gorillas shot dead in Congo park KINSHASA (Reuters) - Four rare mountain gorillas have been shot dead in the Virunga National ...

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - Keep Kids Healthy conditions
How does alcohol cause these problems ... as a 4 ounce glass or wine or a 1-ounce shot of straight liquor. In addition, some alcoholic drinks, such as malt beverages ... , when most women are not aware that they are pregnant, the heart, CNS, eyes, arms, and legs of the fetus are developing. Also, ...

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