hearsay evidence

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Results 1 - 6 from 6 for hearsay evidence in 0.249 sec.

RE: Protect due process!
Gut the enforceability of important Geneva Convention protections. Allow the use of evidence obtained through cruel, inhumane, and degrading treatment during interrogations. Take the unprecedented step ... to convict a defendant based on secret evidence. Bar a defendant from being present at his own trial. Allow the use of hearsay evidence banned from every military and civilian court ...

RE: Protect due process!
Gut the enforceability of important Geneva Convention protections. Allow the use of evidence obtained through cruel, inhumane, and degrading treatment during interrogations. Take the unprecedented step ... to convict a defendant based on secret evidence. Bar a defendant from being present at his own trial. Allow the use of hearsay evidence banned from every military and civilian court ... More from this site

Why? We certainly had evidence which showed that the muck that washed onto our properties after Hurricane Ivan contained ... experts not to testify, thereby making the studies “hearsay”. Hearsay evidence can not be used as evidence in a trial. So the evidence which Plaintiffs’ attorneys gathered was useless to us. We never ...

Modern (circa 2005) examples of Rule By Informer
He said a council officer had exercised powers 'beyond what the ... tell us who made the complaint," he said. Mr Selmes said hearsay evidence could not be used to suggest guilt. "The council is ... and numbered warning or directive, made the whole process illegal. "Hearsay evidence can't be used to issue a warning." Mr Selmes ...

(5/12/2002) Bari vs. FBI Trial: Darryl Cherney Testifies
TV news cameras by the bomb squad. But defense hearsay objections blocked that. Cherney himself was not there to see ... investigation. He recently contacted the Mendocino County Sheriff with new evidence. Last August, Cherney and Alicia Littletree went to the U. ... into taboo subject matter. The judge allowed the document in evidence without the clipping. Cunningham: Now Mr. Sher asked you about ...

Alternative Septic System: Watson Wick
First principles Understand what soil organisms do Worms, bacteria, beetles create soil tilth Why are ... advisable if you can help it) and it is loaded intermittently. I've never seen evidence of generalized anaerobic conditions or a mat inside. Place infiltrators on lawn edges or under ...