haul trucks

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Moroccan Office Cherifién des Phosphates phosphate rock mine Mining Technology
The current equipment fleet comprises: two Marion 7500 walking ... trucks (from 75t to 150t capacity), 24 bulldozers, three graders and three water spray trucks. OCP acquired the P&H draglines, two Cat and two Komatsu large dozers and four 136t Komatsu haul trucks ...

bauxite (aluminium ore) mining operations Mining Technology
Bench heights of up to ... 992C and 992D wheel loaders, and 17 Caterpillar 777B and 777D trucks. Run-of-mine ore is stockpiled in long piles that run ... has a programme of fitting `greedy boards' to its older Cat 777B trucks to increase their capacity to that of the 777Ds. Expand ImageThe ... More from this site

National Management Measures to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution - Forestry | Polluted Runoff (Nonpoint Source Pollution) | US EPA
Forestry equipment, like haul trucks and tractors, can also spill gas and oil on the ground, and that can run ...

In Business, Creating Sustainable Enterprises & Communities
The concept proved itself while operating with rented U-Haul trucks to deliver the boxes and pick them up after they were not needed. Through word ...

NRDC: OnEarth Magazine, Summer 2006 - The Vanishing
In the 1940s, when new interstate highways and reliable long-haul trucks made it practical, beekeepers began regularly migrating long distances with their hives, following the flow ...

The transfer stations, where waste is shifted from collection vehicles to long haul trucks, bring thousands of heavy diesel trucks through these communities each day. Since the closing of its only municipal landfill ...

Report: Alberta Oil Sands Most Destructive Project on Earth | DeSmogBlog
Heavy equipment (hydraulic shovels and haul trucks) strip off the first three metres of topsoil/clay and ... excavating the tar sand. The tar sand is loaded onto 797B Haul Trucks to be transported to the 'Feeder Breakers' (sometimes called 'Sizers') ... is dumped just outside the plant and re-loaded into haul trucks to be dumped back in the feeder breakers again. This ...

Idaho Rivers United - Conservation and restoration of streams, riparian areas, salmon and steelhead
Mining would occur from June 2009 through May 2013. The ...

Incentive Programs, Air Pollution, Innovative Technologies, Emission Reduction I. On-road heavy-duty engines Trucks, buses, refuse collection and transport, line-haul, low-bed and other haul trucks, etc. Repower or retrofit of heavy-duty diesel powered on ...

State Puts a Deadline on Old, Dirty Diesel Trucks at Ports and Rail Yards
State air quality regulators are on a roll. So too will be cleaner trucks that haul cargo to and from ports and rail yards throughout California. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) voted unanimously today to a strict timeline that will retire the dirtiest diesel trucks that ...

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