halogen lamps

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Results 1 - 10 from 23 for halogen lamps in 0.396 sec.

NEMA - Tungsten Halogen Lamps
Lamps Decorative Lamps Fluorescent Lamps General Lighting High Intensity Discharge Lam... Infrared Lamps Large Incandescent Lamps Miniature and Subminiature Incandescent Lamps Miscellaneous Electric Discharge Lamps Projection Lamps Reflector and PAR Lamps Sealed Beam Lamps Special-purpose Incandescent Lamps Three-way Lamps Tungsten Halogen Lamps ...

Energy Efficiency: Electric utilities can save millions by subsidising
This means an energy saving of more than 85 per cent. Similarly, halogen lamps, which is suitable for outdoor lighting, uses 40 per cent less energy and generally lasts ... might have to be excluded from the calculation. Subsidy Replacement of existing incandescent and fluorescent lamps with CFL by customers would happen only gradually. So, the KSEB would have to vigorously ...

Compact Fluorescent Torchieres
Halogen Fire Hazard The standard light source in torchieres is a high-wattage halogen lamp, which produces a clean white light that many people find attractive. However, halogen lamps operate at ... more efficient, the CFL uses only 15 to 25 percent of the power consumed by halogen lamps. CFLs also produce excellent color quality which is indistinguishable from an incandescent bulb. Where ...

Sourcebook: Lighting
Incandescent lamps with reflectors have improved light output. Reflector (R) lamps are one type. Ellipsoidal reflector (ER) lamps outperform R lamps due to the ... Parabolic aluminized reflector (PAR) lamps are available with improved performance due to reflector redesigns. PAR lamps are suitable for exterior applications. Halogen lamps will consume about 60 % less ...

NEMA - Lamps Section
PAR lamps, infrared lamps, tungsten halogen lamps, decorative lamps, special purpose incandescent lamps, miniature and subminiature incandescent lamps (including automotive), sealed beam lamps, fluorescent lamps, general lighting high intensity discharge lamps, miscellaneous electric discharge lamps ...

ESB: Energy-Efficient Lighting Patterns
Tips for Lighting that's Attractive and Energy Efficient Use fluorescent lamps with a high color rendering index (CRI). Direct light at walls to increase the feeling of spaciousness. Use quiet electronic ballasts with all fluorescent lamps. Install halogen lamps that ...

eceee: Why we need to get rid of incandescent bulbs
CFL lamps. A new generation of energy saving Halogen lamps is now becoming available in Europe and the US. These offer energy ... bulbs. Most importantly, they can directly replace incandescent bulbs. Within a few years these new halogen alternatives will be available in the huge quantities needed. The second alternative being developed is ...

Aviation Lighting | Research Areas | Lighting Research Center
LEDs for Aircraft Passenger Reading Lights - Detailed project summary about comparing halogen lamps and LEDs for use as aircraft reading lights (with photos and PDF presentation). Contact Us ...

UV Radiation and human health.
UVA, but some radiate UVB as well. The processes of arc welding and sterilization of medical equipment produce UV radiation. The white light of quartz halogen lamps is ...

Find Substitutes For Energy-Wasting Lamps and Fixtures: energy conservation means lower electric bil
Find Substitutes For Energy-Wasting Lamps and Fixtures Turn off or turn down room lights and use area lighting that's ... to light an entire room. Unfortunately they aren't very energy smart. If you have halogen torchieres, replace them with compact fluorescent torchieres. They produce more light for 70 percent less ...

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