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Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary - Australian wildlife
About Southern Hairy-nosed Wombats Common Name Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat Scientific Name Lasiorhinus latifrons Differs in appearance from the Common Wombat by having softer, silky, grey fur and white hair on its nose. The Southern Hairy-nosed ...
Keeping Marsupials : Keeping and Breeding Marsupials in Captivity, Maintaining Injured and Orphaned Wildlife in Captivity, Animal Husbandry, Australian Marsupials, Australian Mammals, Marsupial Conservation
Conservation Breeding Wombats Problems Breeding Wombats Basil's Battle The following story is a little complex but is worth relating to enlighten you to the problems that can occur when keeping Hairy-nosed Wombats ( ... ) overcame that problem and he progressed very well, gaining weight and generally behaving as wombats do including making himself known to his neighbour by snuffling at her through the ...
Keeping Marsupials : Keeping and Breeding Marsupials in Captivity, Maintaining Injured and Orphaned Wildlife in Captivity, Animal Husbandry, Australian Marsupials, Australian Mammals, Marsupial Conservation
Although wombats have been successfully treated in captivity, due to the requirement for repeated medication, ... biggest threat to wombats after human impact, particularly road kills and persecution by land-owners. The disease could cause extinction of the remaining 80 Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombats that survive ...
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Wally the Wombat - Animal Postcards - Animals - Animals Myths&Legends - Planet Ozkids - Animal stories, facts and endangered animals
Stories Wally the Wombat Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat Hi I'm Wally, a male Northern Hairy-nosed wombat. Some people say I'm grumpy . I'm not really, I just like to be left alone. If you see me with other wombats ... keep going for very long. There aren't many of us Hairy-nosed Wombats left in the world. I'm Australia's most endangered marsupial ...
Wombat - Animal Facts - Animals - Animals Myths&Legends - Planet Ozkids - Animal stories, facts and endangered animals
Australia. The Northern Hairy-nosed wombat once lived in western New South Wales and southern Queensland. The only surviving colony is in Epping Forest, central Queensland. Habits & Biology All wombats are solitary animals ... wombats can go without food and water for a long time. They stay in the cool moist air of their burrows during the heat of the day, conserving energy. The Northern Hairy-nosed ...
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