hairy leaves

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Warrah Issue 14 Highlights
It has tiny flowers. Although superficially resembling the Thrift Plantain Plantago barbata the hairy leaves of Moore's Plantain, the generally grey appearance of the plant and the fact that the leaves are not shiny, make it fairly easily ...

Herbaceous Invasive Species
Woods Description : Perennial, 15-45 cm high, flowers 6 mm, white 4-lobed, stems hairy, leaves in whorls, lanceolate or elliptical Usage : Ornamental Invasive Potential : P Control Method(s) : ... open woods Description : Perennial, 40-90 cm high, flowers violet or white, stem hairy, leaves simple, oblong, ovate, hairy Usage : Ornamental Invasive Potential : L Control Method(s) : 2, 3 Additional ..., Plant a Tree Info - Protect Monarch Butterflies and Plant Chestnuts!
American chestnut traits, such as a columnar growth habit and non-hairy leaves and twigs. We screen trees for blight resistance by inoculating them with the blight fungus ...

Purple Coneflower
The Kansas Wildflower Society, the Kansas Associated Garden Clubs and ...

FM 21-76 Appendix C
Wild carrot or Queen Anne's lace has hairy leaves and stems and smells like carrot. Poison hemlock does not. ... compound leaves with three leaflets. The leaves of poison ivy are smooth or serrated. Poison oak's leaves are lobed and resemble oak leaves. Poison ... It has pealike fruit capsules. The leaves are pinnately compound, 7 to 11 toothed leaves per leaf stock. The trumpet-shaped flowers ...

National Geographic: Lewis & Clark—Plants—Prairie Apple
August 31, 1804, at Calument Bluff in Cedar County, Nebraska. Silvery green, hairy leaves, about 3-5 leaves to a stem. Sunny, well-drained soil, prairies. Most of central United States. Subscribe ...

Catanache caerulea 'Major'
Compositae family and is a short-lived perennial from the SW Europe with grass-like hairy leaves. Has been flowering since mid-summer and still showing some flowers. Plant Portraits through the ...

Most orchids have leaves, but here are some genera, both terrestrial and epiphytic, that lack leaves as for instance Aphyllorchis and Taeniophyllum. The leaves ... leaves, which has given them the common name of 'Jewel Orchids'. The genus Trichotosia, formerly included as a section of the genus Eria, is noted for its hairy leaves ...

EEK! - What is a Prairie?
Leaves of prairie plants tend to be long and narrow to prevent overheating. Some plants have divided leaves or broad leaves held stiffly upright, to expose less surface to the sun. Fleshy, hairy leaves and ... oak's shade creates a microclimate underneath its boughs, allowing prairie plant species with broader leaves to thrive in the cooler, more even temperatures and moister soils. Prairie soil is ...

Lake / Pond Weed Identification
WATER PRIMROSE (Jussiaea repens): Leaves are lance shaped with smooth edges. Veins in leaves are evident. Stems and leaves are hairy. Leaves are numerous and alternately attached. Flowers are bright yellow and develop at the top of the weed. WATER WILLOW (Dianthera americana): Leaves ...

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