growth and yield

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Results 1 - 10 from 310 for growth and yield in 0.296 sec.

Environmental Restoration: Microcatchment Water Harvesting
Water shortages are accentuated in disturbed areas where vegetation removal and alteration of the surface soil further limit surface water retention and ... H.Fink, and S.T. Mitchell. 1978. Growth and yield of jojoba plants in native stands using runoff-collecting microcatchments. Agronomy Journal 70:1005-1009. Evenari, M.L., L. Shanan and N. ...

Letter from Hon. Jim Sutton
One of my skills is forest growth and yield modelling. Last week I had an opportunity to look at Efford ... the default logging option adds all logging removals to predicted mortality and doesn't increase ingrowth in the new gaps created. This ... that policy decisions concerning forests should be based on sound science, and I urge you to consult more widely about the effects ...

Papers - CO2 September 2003
Impacts of elevated carbon dioxide and ozone on potato growth and yield Knowles and Singh Carbon storage in cotton soils in Australia Arnone III and Obrist Whole scrubland ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange in a geodesic dome Potter et al. Connections between climate and ...

Clean Washington Center
Growth trials using a seaweed processing by-product were conducted in Washington apple orchards, in 1997 and 1998. Plant growth and yield benefits at the end of two growing seasons resulted in non-significant differences between the seaweed plots and unamended plots ...

In general, the yield of native alpine pastures is low and ... reduce the forage growth and yield because the increased amount of dead material relative to vegetative growth creates shading by dead material, and thus reduces photosynthetic ...

Zubizarreta Gerendiain, Ane, Peltola, Heli, Pulkkinen, Pertti, Ikonen, Veli-Pekka & Jaatinen, Raimo. 2008. Differences in growth and wood properties between narrow and normal crowned types of Norway spruce grown at narrow spacing in Southern Finland
Moreover, the phenotypic correlations between growth, yield, wood density traits and fibre properties, ranged, on ...

Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
Protocol. Improved water management, higher yielding crop varieties and pest management are ways to increase crop yield. Increased yield causes more carbon to be absorbed by crops, ... and therefore, shared. As these emissions are closely linked to economic growth, and if we remain in a carbon-driven economy for long, then restricting carbon dioxide emissions will also mean limiting economic growth ...

Freshwater Website: Informational Resources and Services (Glossary)
(DO) - The amount of oxygen freely available in water and necessary for aquatic life and the oxidation of organic materials. dissolved solids (DS) - Very small pieces of organic and ... eutrophication - The natural process by which lakes and ponds become enriched with dissolved nutrients, resulting in increased growth of algae and other microscopic plants. evaporation - The ...

Peak Oil and Permaculture
Fossil fuels are finite and precious resources to be shared with future generations. Cities Our oil-driven economy and the fabric of ... , process or enterprise: • Observe and Interact • Catch and Store Energy • Obtain a Yield • Apply Self-regulation and Accept Feedback • Use and Value Renewable Re-sources and Services • Produce No Waste • ...

Research and Education on Alternatives to Methyl Bromide
Etiology of Replant Disorder of Prunus spp. PRE Fresno, Madera, Tulare, Kern Almond, peach and some grape $165,702 Duniway, John UCD Plant Pathology Microbiological Improvement of Root Health, Growth, and Yield ... Crops PRE Santa Cruz Ornamentals $83,851 Mitcham, Elizabeth UCD Pomology Acetaldehyde and Carbon Dioxide Fumigation for Posthavest Control of Insects on Strawberry Fruit POST Yolo ...

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