groupers and wrasses

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Habitat Media, San Rafael, CA
World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fish Workers Dr. Yvonne Sadovy Chair IUCN group on Groupers and Wrasses Department of Ecology and Biodiversity University of Hong Kong Dr. ... New York Dr. Sandra Shumway Research Scientist Professor in Residence, focus: Shellfish, Industry and Aquaculture University of Connecticut Groton, Connecticut Dr. Geronimo Silvestre Research Scientist International ...

Endangered Species International
Groupers and wrasses are largely dependent on rocky and coral reefs. Many are long-lived and slow-growing. The larger species of groupers and wrasses usually aggregate to spawn for short periods and ...

Groupers , Soapfishes , Basslets , Flagtails , Bigeyes , Cardinalfishes , Tilefishes , Silagos , Remoras , Jacks , Pompanos , Roosterfishes , Dolphinfishes , Snappers , Grunts , Breams , Croakers , Drums, Gatfishes , Spadefishes , batfishes , Scats , Butterflyfihes , Angelfishes , Cichlids , Damselfishes , Anemonefishes , Hawkfishes , Kelpfishes , Jawfishes , Mullets , Wrasses ...

Groupers , Soapfishes , Basslets , Flagtails , Bigeyes , Cardinalfishes , Tilefishes , Silagos , Remoras , Jacks , Pompanos , Roosterfishes , Dolphinfishes , Snappers , Grunts , Breams , Croakers , Drums, Gatfishes , Spadefishes , batfishes , Scats , Butterflyfihes , Angelfishes , Cichlids , Damselfishes , Anemonefishes , Hawkfishes , Kelpfishes , Jawfishes , Mullets , Wrasses ... More from this site

National Geographic magazine: January 1999 @
Soon humphead wrasses, giant groupers, and other choice fish that can be filleted into multiple servings were selling for small ... been smothered by algae. The algae are nourished by pollution from coastal development and agricultural runoff, and overfishing has removed some species that kept the algae grazed down. Along Florida’ ...

We saw a few sharks, great barracuda, red and black snappers but most of the fish at these sites were small reef fish - wrasses, surgeonfish, damselfish, butterflyfish etc. The high surge present ... break over this patch and present a moderate surge. There was a high diversity of sea life present including sharks, large parrot fish, porcupine fish, many large groupers and clams. M) North of ...

DINOPERCIDAE (cavebasses) SERRANIDAE (sea basses and groupers) Serraninae Anthiinae Epinephelinae (groupers) Liopropomatinae Grammistinae (soapfishes) OSTRACOBERYCIDAE SYMPHYSANODONTIDAE ... LABROIDEI CICHLIDAE (cichlids) EMBIOTOCIDAE (surfperches) POMACENTRIDAE (damselfishes and anemonefishes) LABRIDAE (wrasses) ODACIDAE SCARIDAE (parrotfishes) Scarinae Sparisomatinae SUBORDER ZOARCOIDEI ...

Office of Habitat Conservation
Corals and the Endangered Species Act Coral Reef Restoration Cold Water Corals Reading Room Fishery Management and Spawning Aggregations Background Many reef fishes, such as groupers, parrotfish, wrasses, snappers, and surgeonfishes ... in aiding in the recovery of spawning aggregating species such as snappers and groupers. There is preliminary evidence that a few selected species are more abundant ...

Coral Reef Health and Vitality Observations
There are some very curious friendly fish, ... barracudas, jacks and groupers and many many species of reef fish. We also noted a large number of giant clams, sea fans and huge barrel sponges. Coral species are diverse and healthy ...

A Revolution In Evolution
For their part, males are 'ardent' and promiscuous, and fight amongst themselves for female partners. Later theories added that males are promiscuous ... lifetime. Over 50 species of angelfish, wrasses, parrot fishes and groupers have changed from male to female or vice versa. Other invertebrates, such as shrimp and oysters, also may change sex. "Gender ...

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