grid squares

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Results 1 - 10 from 26 for grid squares in 0.240 sec.

Atlas of Breeding Birds of the Falkland Islands
The wealth of information ...

News from the Falklands March 2000
Falkland Islands flora is beginning to develop. Forty seven 10km grid squares (comprised of records from 170 1km grid squares) have been surveyed and over 7,110 records entered on to the ... More from this site

The wasp spider and climate change - Environmental Data Compendium
Though each grid square is not surveyed annually, it is very probable that the species is still found in the grid cells where it was recorded earlier, especially if the grid squares are inside an area of distribution. The outlying observations are of migrating animals that might not remain in these sites; they represent only a small proportion of the grid squares, ...

Activity ideas for school grounds -species surveys
Grid squares over the quadrat may be useful when making estimates; you might stretch elastic bands between nails on the quadrat frame (if wooden) to make a grid. Home-made ...

Greentrack Homepage
Eastern Mediterranean map New mini-maps (each long/lat grid is 94kms x 110kms) WEST EAST Old large scale maps - only ... map is available in portrait form for easy printing. The maps use grid squares which are based on Longitude and Latitude (decimal). e.g. 34. ... if you so wish. The squares are all of the same size although in reality the more southerly squares should be larger and shaped. ...

Habitat mapping /
OSPAR habitat types to be mapped, to map data beyond the UK national grid area and to enable mapping using latitude/longitude co-ordinates. 4. Data coverage: The data ... Contracting Parties and other sources up to January 2006 and summarized by 50km by 50km grid squares. 5. Data quality: access to the source data on which the maps are based is ...

EnviroZine - Features - Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Ontario
"Atlassing" involves collecting data on organisms using a grid system and a standard protocol. The basic methodology was developed in Britain and modified for ... enlarge An area is divided into a grid system and participants are assigned to find as many species as possible breeding in all or selected grid squares. Researchers for the Ontario Atlas developed ...

Environment Canada - Criteria Air Contaminants (CAC)
VOC from refinery valves are examples of fugitive emissions. Grid: Identifies a geographical zone for reporting area source emissions. The grid squares used in this report are 100 by 100 km. Heavy ... More from this site

The HCT - Fun pages
Uses The HCT logo (drawing of Common Toad) as the picture - 3x3 grid. Easy Slide Puzzle - Natterjack Toad A traditional slide puzzle with a picture divided into squares which you have to move around to rebuild the picture. Uses a photograph of a Natterjack Toad as the picture - 4x4 grid ...

UNEP/GRID-Arendal - Publications - Our Precious Coasts - What is Marine Pollution and How Does it Affect Marine Life
(UNEP 2006) In these two Landsat images shrimp farms appear as bluish purple squares located near the streams.