Results 1 - 10 from 75 for governmental entity in 0.266 sec.
About ERNS Data
Discharger The legal entity suspected of being responsible for an incident is known as the Discharger. This terminology ... "suspected responsible party". The discharger name is usually the name of a business or a governmental entity. Warning: discharger names are often misspelled. You should enter as few letters as are ...
Grants | Environmental Justice | Compliance and Enforcement | U.S. EPA
Indian tribal governments; quasi-governmental entities*; national-, multi-state-, or state-wide- organizations with chapters; non-profit ... at *Generally, a quasi-governmental entity is one that: (1) has a close association with the government agency, but ...
Brownfields Redevelopment Program Main Page | Waste Cleanup | Waste Mgmt | Florida DEP
... purpose unit of local government or other quasi-governmental entity operating under the control, supervision or as an agent of a local government, a governmental entity or redevelopment agency created or sanctioned by the ...
Legacy Land Trust : Creating a legacy of protected lands since 1993
Legacy Land Trust) or a governmental entity. By granting the easement, a landowner permanently separates certain ownership rights from a particular ... scenic enjoyment of the public or pursuant to a clearly delineated Federal, State or local governmental conservation policy and will yield a significant public benefit; and/or Preservation of an ...
Marin Agricultural Land Trust
Organic standards, on the other hand, have come about through a tremendous amount of time ...
New Rules Project - Ban on Toxic Flame Retardants (PBDEs) - California - Environment
In 2007, it was reported that the state of Washington became the first governmental entity in the world to ban the deca form of PBDE. See more on Washington's ...
Mobile Belt Press
Town of Louisa and the County of Louisa. Each governmental entity has access to 100,000 gpd of its capacity. The original user base in 1984 ...
For beach operation and maintenance projects, the applicant must be a non-profit organization or local governmental agency. For proposals in the Adopt-A ...
Earth Action Network Letters
CONAF, indicating a clear abandonment of this governmental institution's inspection duties regarding the ALERCE. Even more disturbing is the fact that ... and commercialization of the ALERCE. Create a native forest management subsidy. Create a modern governmental entity that can respond to the current challenges and that assures the proper development of ...
Section Reporter - September 2005 -
... was more likely in this situation that a common law duty existed because when a governmental entity builds or takes control of property it has the same common law duties as a ...
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