Results 1 - 10 from 271 for goal involves in 0.308 sec.
Hawaiian Astronomical Society - Deepsky Atlas
A second goal involves mapping the sky, using the following plan: Each constellation will receive a wide area map ... . We thank Software Bisque's The Sky for Windows for making this possible. A third goal involves telling the story(ies) behind the constellation. Many good stories from both Greco-Roman, and ...
Biodiversity Conservation in Britain: Science Replacing
By contrast, coppicing involves a rotation which is often too rapid and drastic for woodland ... of high species richness. Should maximum species richness be a goal? Or, given the inevitable conflicts of interest between those interested in ... . Habitat diversityHigh diversity of habitat is clearly an undesirable general goal: the costs and benefits depend on the scale of the ...
Robert Gilman - The Village And Beyond
The physical side involves the exuberance of the chase, the delight in exercising one' ... of extreme exertion followed by rest and celebration. The mental side involves exploring and problem solving "on your feet" - using all your ... will roam will be the world of other communities. The goal won't be game, but information, human connections and resources. ...
Environmental education, student-led stewardship, activity based learning
- EarthCARE
This model involves many stakeholders as partners working toward a common goal of reducing waste and increasing educational value for the board. ... partnerships between schools and facilities, on youth as action-oriented leaders, and a shared goal to encourage energy savings and conservation. In just two years, the EarthCARE program in ...
Compliance Incentives & Auditing | US EPA
EPA has adopted a problem solving approach to address environmental problems that involves using several tools - ranging from compliance assistance to incentives and auditing to compliance ... organizations to improve their overall environmental performance, improve compliance, and prevent pollution. Since the goal of the Pollution Prevention Act is to stop pollution and waste before it ...
EMS Training Modules & Guides | Environmental Management Systems | US EPA
Environment Program's Integrated Environmental Management System. The Design for the Environment Program involves voluntary partnerships with industry and other stakeholders to develop cleaner, safer alternatives to ... by-step guide designed to help organizations implement EMSs. The manual’s primary goal is to help businesses use environmental reviews to identify cost-saving measures. Environmental ...
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Help; IDnature Guides; Global Mapper; 20q; 20m
Building guides and checklists is a two step process that involves (1) putting information into eXtended markup language (XML) files and then ... permanent changes to the XML files through a process that involves email transactions or authorized IP addresses. If email is used, ... states is the hardest part of building a guide. Our goal is to use characters and states that the average 4th ...
Progress report and proposal to NBII from Discover Life, November, 2004
Buckthorn an invasive species of New England Illustration by Cheryl Reese, 2004 Overview Our ultimate goal is to provide everyone with the technology they need to identify, report, and help ... other users and then refine the guide accordingly. This is an iterative process. Typically it involves simplifying guides by removing redundant and obscure character-states. The following table summarizes our ...
Peregrine Falcon - WDNR
Reintroduction involves more than just turning birds loose at a site. The birds are "hacked," a technique ... and the BER is enacting a Peregrine Falcon Recovery Plan for Wisconsin. The BER’s goal is to establish at least 10 breeding pairs of peregrines in the state by the ...
Books from the Earth Policy Institute
Brown. "This involves, for example, reducing the demand for water to the sustainable yield ... , and investing heavily in education to ensure that the U.N. goal of universal primary education by 2015 is reached. The more education ... is too late to reverse them, they will have achieved their goal in a way they have not imagined." One of the keys ...
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