gna lectin

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GNA lectin suffered reduced organ weights and immune damage. Why do you think this was'? Dr Pusztai: I think the reason is not the GNA lectin ... the technique is, because we had two GM potatoes, both contained GNA lectin, and both came from the same pot. They were both ... potatoes but from normal potatoes mixed with the harmful substance, Lectin (which also was not true). Later it was said, that ...

ISIS News no.3 index
GNA) under the cauliflower mosaic viral (CaMV) 35S promoter have been developed to increase insect and nematode resistance. GNA was chosen because previous studies by the authors showed the effects of the lectin on the rat small bowel have been ‘minimal’, at least when fed on large amounts of the lectin ...

GM Rice in India
Ab and cry1Ac, plus the snowdrop lectin gene gna conferring multiple resistance to insects and all of these were ... the maize ubiquitin promoter and terminated with tnos while the gna gene was driven by phloem-specific rice-sucrose synthase promoter and terminated by tnos. The cry genes and the gna gene were inserted at different sites in the rice genome [7 ... More from this site

International News on Genetic Engineering in Agriculture - 1999/02/16
GNA) added to them did not affect the rats in the same way as the potatoes genetically engineered with the snowdrop lectin even though the lectin was present in ... and oilseed rape). Cabbages genetically engineered with this lectin are being grown in trials this year in Holland. 3. Unlike the snowdrop lectin, ConA (the lectin taken from the Jackbean) is known to ...

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