giving birth

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Breastfeeding is a natural birth control/child spacer. The chance of getting pregnant while breastfeeding exclusively is less than 1 ... dollar formula industry. The number of new mothers returning to work within a year of giving birth continues to rise. Many changes must be implemented to accommodate, support, and encourage working mothers ...

Preliminary study of the behavior and ecology of axis deer on Maui, Hawaii
Does come into breeding condition within a few months after giving birth (Graf & Nichols 1966). Chapple et al. (1993) determined a mean estrous cycle of 19.3 ... 228-239). Single fawns are the norm; twinning is rare (Graf & Nichols 1966). Prior to giving birth, a female leaves her yearling and other companions and seeks a secluded spot. The fawn ...

Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department: Freshwater Sawfish
Atlantic Ocean. Freshwater sawfish are capable of giving birth in freshwater conditions far up rivers and in contiguous lakes. Parturition is thought to occur ... rostral teeth reach their full size proportionate to the size of the rostrum soon after birth. The reproductive cycle of the freshwater sawfish is still not documented, but the closely ...

Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department
IUCN Shark Specialist Group Spiny Dogfish Biological Profile A Firsthand Observation Of A Spiny Dogfish Giving Birth In The Wild Spiny Dogfish, Squalus acanthias, Life History and Habitat Characteristics (NOAA Technical Memorandum ... More from this site

U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
While the new ... children to ensure that some will survive as adults. Yet giving birth to more children, particularly when they are closely spaced, ... and child mortality; reduced maternal mortality; increased life expectancy at birth; and universal access to and completion of primary education, with ...

MOOSE GlVE BIRTH EVERY YEAR. Gestation is about eight months, with cows giving birth to one or two (occasionally three) calves every spring, usually ...

Kind Planet Humane Education - Animal Care Forum
Pregnant Guinea Pigs talks about the process Guinea Pigs go through giving birth as well as some of their special needs. The second, Want A GP?, gives the ...

Birth Without Violence - Part Three
People tend to speak loudly in ... him, sleeps and dreams . Yes. The child is completely dependent before his birth. But then what happens? A total upheaval: The blood, that until ... we ease it and pacify this terror? In the same way that giving a new toy to a child makes it easier for him ...

Friends of Washoe: History - January 9, 1979 - Washoe Gives Birth to Sequoyah / March 8, 1979 - Sequoyah Dies
Lemmon strong-armed the provost, a former student of his, into giving him the five thousand dollars. Lemmon threw out my design and ... had no chance of enjoying even this momentary privacy. She would be giving birth in a small five-foot-by-six-foot cage, next to ... still not clinging the way it should. Washoe kept grooming and giving the baby mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The infant grasped Washoe's ...

Surgeon General's Conference Outlines Agenda to Prevent Preterm Birth
The agenda calls for a national system to better understand the occurrence of preterm birth and a national education program to help women reduce their chances of giving birth ... meetings/2008/SG_pretermbirth.cfm. # # # The NICHD sponsors research on development, before and after birth; maternal, child, and family health; reproductive biology and population issues; and medical rehabilitation. ...

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