gill sharks

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Results 1 - 10 from 43 for gill sharks in 0.229 sec.

Giant Sharks of the Bay (Chesapeake, Hudson, San Francisco)
Seven gill sharks, the megamouth shark (which has a habit of eating anchors and gets 20 feet long), and many micro-sharks lurk ... and plankton. While people seem to love junk food, many tiger sharks just plain like to eat junk. Hubcaps, bottles, license plates, ...

The Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - The Sharks of the Monterey Bay
Sharks of the Monterey Bay The Sharks of the Monterey Bay Pelagic Sharks Basking Sharks Thresher Sharks Blue Sharks Mako Sharks White Sharks Salmon Sharks Benthic Sharks Bat Rays Prickly Sharks Six Gill Sharks Seven Gill Sharks Spiny Dogfish Soupfin Sharks Filetail Catshark Estuarine Sharks Leopard Sharks Brown ...

The Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - The Sharks of the Monterey Bay - Benthic Sharks
Pelagic Shark Research Foundation - The Sharks of the Monterey Bay - Benthic Sharks Prickly Sharks - Echinorhinus cookei DESCRIPTION An obscure benthic species easily ID'd by its rough "prickly" hide ... apparent seasonal abundance relatively close to shore in marine ravines and channels. Prickly sharks are built something like 7-gill sharks only they have a paddle like tail and two dorsals. They have ... More from this site

Largest Ocean Carnivore
The bull shark, white tip reef sharks, blue sharks, tiger sharks, seven gill sharks, and some monsters of the deep that can get up to 20 feet long - sleeper sharks and primitive six gill sharks. These species of sharks may ...

MarineBio Society Membership & Donor Benefits
Islands: dive with great white sharks! Honduras: submarine shark diving (to 2000 feet!) with six gill sharks in the Cayman Trench plus Caribbean reef sharks off Roatan, Honduras. The Sea ... (Humboldt squid). The Bahamas: Tiger Shark Diving - dive with tiger sharks, great hammerheads, Caribbean reef sharks, huge lemon sharks and spotted dolphin encounters... Contact details are included in your ...

References - A brief introduction to Fish Anatomy
Fish, dolphins, sea lions and sharks are in a different category among human minds. Because of their ... them selves through the water. The most misunderstood organ is the gill. Located under the gill plate, this is the organ that pulls the dissolved ... fresh fish or a fish from an older catch. Lift the gill plate of the fish and judge the color, red means fresh, ...

Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department
Groups of Fishes About the Anatomy of Fish and Sharks How Fish and Sharks Swim About Fish Adaptations About the Endangered Species ... , the genus Carcharhinus applies to many different sharks; the specific epithet for three of those sharks are Carcharhinus limbatus, C. falciformis, and ... tissues known as gills. As water passes over the fine gill membranes, the fish absorbs the water's oxygen content. ...

Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department
Anatomy of Fish and Sharks How Fish and Sharks Swim About Fish ... Sharks Body Features of Bony Fishes Standard Measurements of Bony Fishes Mouth Types of Bony Fishes Tooth Types of Bony Fishes Tooth Patch Types of Bony Fishes Gill Arch and Scale Types of Bony Fishes Spine, Rays, and Caudal Fin Types of Bony Fishes Body Features and Measurements of Sharks Fin Features and Measurements of Sharks ... More from this site

The sharks are either intentionally caught or are the by catch of other fishing activity. These may include longlines, drift gill nets, or pair trawling. The majority of the sharks are brought ... into taking a proactive approach in managing sharks. Help us save the sharks by writing NMFS and telling them that you are interested in protecting sharks as well as other marine life. Contact ...

Sharks in Australian waters - Marine Species Conservation
Like all fishes sharks use gills to extract oxygen from the water in which they live. Sharks have five to seven gill openings along each side of the head ... from the water on gill rakers. Whale sharks also filter feed, but instead of using gill rakers, they strain plankton through a spongy tissue supported by cartilaginous rods between the gill arches. Filter feeders ...

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