giant anteater

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Biodiversity-Giant Anteater
Giant Anteater | Yasuní Rainforest Campaign Home | | Save America's Forests Home | | Yasuní Biodiversity Main Page | EXTRAORDINARY ANIMALS AND PLANTS OF YASUNÍ GIANT ANTEATER Giant Anteater ...

Giant anteater
Giant anteater English Name: Giant anteater Local Name: tamandua de bandera Scientific Name: Myrmecophaga tridactyla Class: Mammalia Order: Edentata (Xenartha) Range: ...

Giant Anteater
Giant Anteater Giant Anteater Myrmecophaga tridactyla Threatened The giant anteater of South America is about the size of a German shepherd dog. It is covered ... be careful in their attacks, however, as an embrace by the anteater's powerful forelimbs can sometimes prove fatal. Giant anteaters are hunted in South America for their meat and for trophies ...

San Diego Zoo's Animal Bytes: Giant Anteater
The anteater has five digits on each foot, but the middle three digits of the front feet have extra-long claws. The giant anteater ... The giant anteater's sense of smell is 40 times more powerful than ours. See them San Diego Zoo: On Elephant Mesa More Animal Bytes: Tamandua (Lesser Anteater) Mammals: Giant Anteater Range: Central ...

RCTT Overview
Harpy Eagle, Red Uakari Monkey, Paiche (Arapaima gigas - the world's largest freshwater fish), Ocelot, Giant Otter, Giant Anteater, Taricaya Turtle.

Conservation and Monitoring Projects That Embody Conservation, Collaboration, and Education
Conservation and Monitoring Projects That Embody Conservation, Collaboration, and Education Giant Anteater -- one of the most endangered mammals in South America. En conjunto con nuestras estaciones biolgicas ...

Conservation and Monitoring Projects That Embody Conservation, Collaboration, and Education
Conservation and Monitoring Projects That Embody Conservation, Collaboration, and Education Giant Anteater -- one of the most endangered mammals in South America. In conjunction with our field stations, ...

Costa Rica: About Costa Rica
Central America. As a result, it is also home to several endangered species including the giant anteater, as well as several notable birds such as the harpy eagle and the resplendent quetzal ...

Forest Friends: Anteaters
The giant anteater, weighing up to 86 lbs., is the largest species of anteater. It lives in forests and swampy areas and ... pangolin, and numbat, or banded anteater, a marsupial. Scientific classification: Anteaters make up the family Myrmecophagidae. The giant anteater is classified as Myrmecophaga tridactyla, the pygmy anteater as Cyclopes didactylus, and ...

Mapinguari and Giant Ground Sloth Stamps
Anteaters and sloths are related animals. The well-known giant anteater Myrmecophaga tridactyla can reach a length of two meters and weigh nearly 40 kilograms. An anteater twice this ...

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