Results 1 - 10 from 455 for geographic areas in 0.317 sec.
Plants for the People
... mapping the geographic distributions of species from specimen-level information and other sources assembling and correcting local checklists that allow us to focus on subsets of species from smaller geographic areas, such as ...
Education Info
Also, in geographic areas not covered by a groundwater conservation district, there may be no mechanism for restricting how ... same and more can be said for water rights where location not only refers to geographic location, but also, where the right is located on the priority date list. For example ...
Protected area review > Vietnam > First national round table
Protected areas establishment can often improve access to funds from national programmes for local ... improve the policy, legal and institutional framework for protected areas. The difficulty in linking a management approach based on geographic areas and sectoral management is still to be overcome. ...
Marine Managed Areas: Best Practices for Boundary Making
Geographic Data Committee's (FGDC) Marine Boundary Working Group and sponsored by the National Marine Protected Areas Center, represents the current best practices for marine boundary delimitation. Marine managed areas (MMA) are geographic areas ...
Lakewide Management Plans (LaMPs) in the Great Lakes Region
LaMPs for open lake waters and Remedial Action Plans (RAPs) for specific geographic Areas of Concern (AOCs). LaMPs are intended to identify critical pollutants that affect beneficial uses of ... GLIN: Land Use in the Great Lakes Region GLIN: Remedial Action Plans for Great Lakes Areas of Concern GLIN: Toxic Contamination in the Great Lakes Region News | Calendar | Great Links | ...
Areas of Concern in the Great Lakes Region
Search GLIN for more news items about Overview Great Lakes Areas of Concern (AOCs) are severely degraded geographic areas within the Great Lakes Basin. They are defined by the U.S.-Canada Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (Annex 2 of the 1987 Protocol) as "geographic areas that fail to ...
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Lead Poisoning Publications and Reports: Environmental Health in Minnesota
March 2000. They recommend physicians order blood tests for 1) children residing in specific geographic areas that have a high rate of elevated blood lead cases, and 2) children matching specific ... , therefore, reflects the clinical views of AOEC members, not necessarily the expert panel, particularly in areas where the expert panel had been unable to come to consensus. The following points are ...
Climate Change and Nature Conservation
Habitats > Climate Change > Climate Change and Nature Conservation Menu Habitats Habitats Classification Protected Areas Surveillance and Monitoring How we work Habitats Publications Air Pollution Biotechnology ... the long-term conservation of species and their habitats over wide geographic areas, including: highlighting the critical importance of designated nature conservation sites (international, ...
LINK Member Details
Fundamental questions have to be asked of how ... from fossil and nuclear sources of energy, limited grid development or extension into new geographic areas may be required. However we should optimise our use of renewable resources and take ...
Protected areas review > Thailand >
Each complex comprises a number of protected areas in a shared geographic region; 17 complexes encompass forest habitats, while 2 cover marine and ... on Biological Diversity (CBD) Water resource management and protected areas Forested watersheds and natural wetlands within protected areas are extremely important in the effective management of national water resources ...
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