Results 1 - 5 from 5 for genital opening in 0.430 sec.
San Diego Zoo's Animal Bytes: Scorpion
He then brings the female over to the packet, which she pushes into her genital opening. Then the male will usually leave, because the overly aggressive female might decide he'd ...
Manatee FAQ: Anatomy and Physiology
That's how ...
Heart Defects: Birth Defects: Merck Manual Home Edition
Gastroschisis)· Bone and Muscle Defects· Brain and Spinal Cord Defects· Digestive Tract Defects· Genital Defects·Heart Defects· Urinary Tract Defects Heart Defects Buy the Book Print This Topic ... through a vein into the heart. The balloon is inflated in the valve, widening the opening. During corrective surgery, the ventricular septal defect is closed, the narrowed passageway from the ...
Phylum Brachiopoda
The fine structure of the opening has taxonomic significance. 5. In burrowing forms, the valves are ... female gonads are deep-yellow or red-brown. 4. At maturity, genital products pass into the coelom and are expelled through the ... in the structure of the lophophore, the skeletal elements, the pedicle opening, the mantle folds. VI. Ecology and physiology A. Marine, mostly ...
Our Stolen Future: NRC panel on hormonally active agents in the environment
HAAs in animals. For example decreased ano-genital distance in exposed animals predicted an increased risk of the birth defect hypospadias in humans ... over the past twenty years. (Hypospadias is a malformation of the penis in which the opening of the urethra is found on the underside instead of at the tip.) PCBs have ...