Results 1 - 10 from 14 for genetically engineered oilseed rape in 0.351 sec.
Mutant Red Herrings? (Do or Die)
Research Institute have shown that much more pollen escapes from large fields of genetically engineered oilseed rape than was predicted from earlier experiments on smaller plots. They found that escaping ... reported in 1994 that gene transfer can occur from plants to micro-organisms. Genetically engineered oilseed rape, black mustard, thorn-apple and sweet peas all containing an antibiotic-resistance ...
GeneWatch UK - Research and Development
April 2000 GeneWatch PR: GeneWatch UK Calls For A Halt On Growing Genetically Engineered Oilseed Rape 12th June 1998 Briefings Briefing 33: Can Biological Containment Work for Crops and Society ... 3: Genetic Engineering: Can it Feed the World? 1st August 1998 Briefing 2: Genetically Engineered Oilseed Rape: Agricultural Saviour or New Form of Pollution? 1st May 1998 ↑ Top Resources ...
International News on Genetic Engineering in Agriculture - 1998/10/01
Hain's labeling policy - "Just Say No To GEOs" France suspends genetically altered corn seeds Greece bans genetically engineered oilseed rape Britain's first 'citizen's jury' - "Thanks Monsanto, but no ... AND SALE OF GE OILSEED RAPE Brussels, 2 October, 1998 --- Greenpeace welcomed a decision by Greece to ban the import and marketing of AgrEvo's genetically engineered oilseed rape. According to the ...
Phenomena responsible for disturbances
For those concerned with the development of transgenic brassicas [ie oilseed rape etc] the take home message from this paper is 'watch out for homology.'" [our ... from Appendix A in the report by NLP Wessex about the “OECD Edinburgh conference”. "Genetically Engineered Food - Safety Problems" Published by PSRAST Siteguide Starting points Website search Site Map Home ...
Genetically Engineered Food - Safety Problems. Step one of introduction.
Genetically Engineered (GE) = Genetically Modified (GM) = Genetically Altered. More What foods are genetically engineered? Many common foods are, including: Corn, Soy, Wheat, Canola, Tomato , Potato , Rice , Cantaloupe , Sugar beet - (all kinds of sugar) , Radicchio , Flax (linseed) , Papaya , Squash , Oilseed rape ...
GE foods on the market - a brief summary
The most common genetically engineered foods in the world are presently: Soy and its derivatives including soy flour and soy ... Tomato Potato Rice Cantaloupe Sugar beet - (all kinds of sugar) Radicchio Flax (linseed) Papaya Squash Oilseed rape, in some cases called Canola oil Wheat. In the United States, GE foods are now ...
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Science in Society no.30 index
London drug trial catastrophe” and related articles, this issue). Green is for agri-food applications, such as genetically modified (GM) crops and ... and production of chemicals, materials and energy, including biofuels from food crops such as oilseed rape, soya, maize and wheat. In the biofuels series, you will read how getting biofuels ...
International News on Genetic Engineering in Agriculture - 1999/09/03
The government has suspended large scale planting of genetically modified oilseed rape due to start today because it fears the High ... Genetically Engineered Foods in Your Shopping Cart Tests Show Some Infant Formula, Snack Chips and Other Common Foods Are Genetically Engineered, But Not Labeled as Such Consumer Reports' tests of everyday groceries show that genetically engineered ...
Say No To GMOs! - May 2007d
GMOs that the US wants to be sold in Europe Authorize a controversial genetically modified oilseed rape as proof that the Commission is backing down under US pressure Bring top ... seed technology was introduced in the Canadian Parliament today. Terminator refers to plants that are genetically engineered to render sterile seeds at harvest - a technology that aims to maximize seed industry ...
Friends of the Earth: Briefing: Bees, Honey and Genetically Modified Crops
Bees, Honey and Genetically Modified Crops Introduction Bees are extremely important to the pollination of UK crops, particularly oilseed rape and beans. In the UK there are ... 'sticky' pollen, which the bees can get covered in. Most GM oilseed rape in the UK has been engineered to resist herbicides. GM maize is also close to commercial production and ...
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