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Renewable Energy
By Henry O'Mad. Here's a question for all those genetic engineers out there: What do you get if you cross new-age greenie hippies with corporate ...
GE crops. The genetic pollution caused when the new genes and combinations of genes created by the bio-engineers escape into the environment will be ... risks including warnings that artificial gene transfer vectors constructed by genetic engineers could give rise to new pathogens. Information about genetic engineering on the web The Rural Advancement Foundation International ...
Terminator technology
In April 1999 Monsanto announced the postponement of the ... asexual reproduction in which plant embryos grow from egg cells without fertilisation by pollen. Genetic engineers have transferred the genes conferring apomixis from a wild grass species into maize. By ...
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Misleading arguments commonly used by biotech advocates
Genetic engineering is totally different. A piece of foreign genetic material is artificially inserted into the genes, (see "What is genetic engineering?" [EL]). As the molecular biologist Michael Antoniou says: "Genetic ... on interaction with its surroundings. So contrary to what this argument implies, the genetic engineers have no control over the outcome of gene insertion. In addition, because of ...
They say that genetic engineering is more precise than traditional breeding. Is that true? No. Although genetic engineers know what gene they are putting in, they ... against science? Actually there are a lot of smart, sophisticated alternatives to genetic engineering. In fact, genetic engineers tend to know very little about ecology or even about farming. Organic farming, ...
FAQ on Genetic Engineering
Chapter on ‘The Fluid and Adaptable Genome’) 4. What is genetic engineering? Genetic engineering is a set of laboratory techniques for isolating genetic material from organisms, cutting and rejoining it to make new ... GMO In order to select and identify those cells that have taken up the insert, genetic engineers use antibiotic resistance marker genes that are stitched next to the genes to be inserted ...
(9/29/97) Growing Euro Blockade of U.S. Genetic Engineered Food
U.S. Genetic Engineered Food Growing Euro Blockade of U.S. Genetic Engineered Food by Niccolo Sarno BACKGROUND and ... resistant bugs that will devastate the organic farming community. Genetic engineers have transferred parts of the Bt gene into a ... over its approval of GMOs. Several major multinational chemical and genetic engineering companies including Novartis, Monsanto, AgrEvo and Pioneer have ...
What is Genetic Engineering?
Are the claims valid? What do people want? What is Genetic Engineering? Genetic engineering is a laboratory technique used by scientists to change ... to insert these genes into the DNA of living organisms. Genetic engineers believe they can improve the foods we eat by doing this. ... a flounder to resist cold and used the technology of genetic engineering to insert this 'anti-freeze' gene into a tomato. ...
Dangers of Genetic Engineering in Agriculture
Crop Failure—Genetic engineers intend to profit by patenting genetically engineered seeds. This means that, when a farmer plants genetically engineered seeds, all the seeds have identical genetic structure ... could be several weeks old and of little nutritional worth. Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria—Genetic engineers use antibiotic-resistance genes to mark genetically engineered cells. This means that ...
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Genetic engineering gives unpredictable results
DNA. Thus, the process of genetic engineering causes mutations to the food-producing organism. These mutations are a source of potential damaging effects of genetic engineering. The location at which these mutations occur will be random, because genetic engineers ...
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