gasoline containers

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Results 1 - 10 from 64 for gasoline containers in 0.293 sec.

Bicycle Fixation: Garbage to Live By
The Khrob Khrua Diao Kon (United Family) provides instruction on how to grow vegetables in gasoline containers and plastic buckets stacked on top of each other. This is an ideal approach because ...

Essential Action | Coordinated International Protests against Shell, Chevron, Mobil
U St. NW. The demonstrators assembled a pile of coffins and gasoline containers in front of the station to illustrated the harsh cost of Mobil's continued operations ...

Endangered Wildlife Trust
Evaporation from improperly capped spouts is another problem. The newer, no-spill gasoline containers can help. Grass clippings pile up in ...

What to bring and what NOT to bring to household hazardous waste disposal sites & Wastemobile
Customers will not receive their gasoline containers back. For the Seattle facilities and the King County Wastemobile, there is a 30 gallon gasoline limit, and pre-approval is required for large quantities (over 50 gallons), containers ...

Safely transporting household hazardous waste
Don't mix products. Keep products in original containers. (At Factoria site, gasoline containers are not returned to customers) Label products not in original containers. Secure products so they won't tip over and ... More from this site

Actions You Can Take to Reduce Air Pollution | Ground-level Ozone | New England | US EPA
Follow gasoline refueling instructions for efficient vapor recovery, being careful not to spill fuel and always tightening your gas cap securely. Consider purchasing portable gasoline containers labeled “ ... conditioners no lower than 78 degrees. Defer lawn and gardening chores that use gasoline-powered equipment, or wait until evening. On Days when High Particle Levels are Expected ...

Ozone: Good Up High, Bad Nearby
Be careful not to spill gasoline when filling up your car or gasoline-powered lawn and garden equipment. During the summer, fill your gas ... and your wheels are aligned. Participate in your local utility's energy conservation programs. Seal containers of household cleaners, workshop chemicals and solvents, and garden chemicals to prevent VOC from ...

Terms Beginning With "O"
Does not include glass from transportation products (cars trucks or shipping containers) and construction or demolition debris. (See: glass.) Other Nonferrous Metals: Recyclable nonferrous metals ... qualitative measure of the state of oxidation in water treatment systems. Oxygenated Fuels: Gasoline which has been blended with alcohols or ethers that contain oxygen in order ...

Delaware's Pollution Control Strategy --- Delaware Department of Water Resources
Garden / Yard --- fungicides; herbicides; pesticides; pool chemicals. Automotive --- antifreeze; auto batteries; degreasers; gasoline, kerosene; used motor oil mixed with other fuels. The following items will not ... t litter. Dispose of trash in proper containers once onshore. Clean fish at designated areas and dispose of waste in proper containers. Do not throw fish waste into surface ...

Books from the Earth Policy Institute
Replacing nonrefillable beverage containers, such as aluminum cans, with refillable bottles can cut energy ... hybrid engines, like the Toyota Prius or the Honda Insight, gasoline use could be cut in half. Cutting carbon emissions in ... pack. Is the cost to society of burning a gallon of gasoline more or less than that of smoking a pack of cigarettes? " ...

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