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Great Ape Trust in Sumatra
Gabriella Fredriksson who conducts the conservation activities in the area for the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme ... for Camp Photo: Perry van Duijnhoven Now, five years after that first nest sighting, Gabriella is leading a multi-donor conservation program (that includes SOCP, Golden Ark Foundation, BOS ...
Great Ape Trust in Sumatra
Drake University in Des Moines and a future graduate student at Iowa State University; Gabriella Fredriksson, a Dutch conservationist and sun bear specialist; Graham Usher a conservationist from Flora and Fauna ... the boundary of the Gunung Leuser National park. On one of our last days we (Gabriella Fredriksson, Grahm Usher and I) walked along the river to assess the situation. We started to ...
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Externe Mitarbeiter
Weiterentwicklung des PPLH Bohorok und der angegliederten Ecolodge zur Seite. Porträt Gabriella Fredriksson Projektleiterin Batang Toru Die erfahrene Wissenschaftlerin und Naturschützerin Gabriella Fredriksson leitet die Aktivitäten des SOCP in Batang Toru mit dem Aufbau ...
Nature Conservation News
Since several districts are involved, Gabriella Fredriksson and her team are working hard to convince the governemnts and local inhabitans of teh ...
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