Results 1 - 10 from 23 for fusion reactors in 0.445 sec.
Health Risk from Tritium at Fusion Power Plants
HTO? Tritium will be a fuel at future fusion reactors, but health risks for tritium differ between its ... for future design and siting requirements for tritium-fueled fusion reactors. Jacobs, D. G., C. E. Easterly, and J. E. ... . Cannon. 1989. Environmental effects of fusion power plants, Part III: Potential radiological impacts of environmental releases, Fusion Technology 16(2):125-136. Where ...
Research--shades of gray
The Gray Zone Artist's rendering of a fusion power plant The distinction between basic and applied research isn't always ... time now, a fair amount of research has been underway on developing fusion reactors to provide a controlled energy source for cities. There is a ... to 50 years before we see a functional fusion reactor in use. The development of fusion energy could be regarded as both basic and ...
DOE Office of Science - Fusion Energy Sciences Major Facilities
Fusion Energy Sciences Major Facilities OFFICE OF SCIENCE - FUSION ENERGY SCIENCES PROGRAM What is Fusion? ITER Major Facilities Advisory Committee (FESAC) Calendar Fusion Institutions Solicitations & Awards Program ... magnetic field strength, which could enable the development of smaller, more economical fusion reactors. For more information, please click here. Alcator C-Mod at the Massachusetts ...
International Energy Agency
Fusion Materials The objective of the Implementing Agreement on Fusion Materials is to develop and test materials suitable for fusion reactors and components. This involves research on the effects of fusion reactors ...
Description of fusion energy research at Risø
Sun and the stars is created by fusion in their interiors. The goal of fusion research is to build fusion reactors for energy production on Earth. If we succeed we master an inexhaustible energy source with little environmental impact. Further reading (in Danish) The European fusion ...
Living on Earth: Three Mile Island Anniversary Special Series
It's easy to see why physicists say fusion is the energy source of the future. The fuel for fusion ... announced the construction of the largest fusion device ever conceived and predict it will demonstrate that fusion really is the "energy source ... travels to South Africa to take a look at pebble bed reactors--small-scale, affordable, high temperature plants. Scientists there say this ...
EIA Energy Kids Page- Nuclear Energy (fusion and fission), Uranium, Atomic Energy
Uranium, Atomic Energy NUCLEAR ENERGY (URANIUM) ENERGY FROM ATOMS Nuclear Energy is Energy from Atoms Nuclear Fuel- Uranium Nuclear Power Plants Generate Electricity Types of Reactors Nuclear ... power plants. Two types are used in the United States: boiling-water reactors (BWRs), and pressurized-water reactors (PWRs). In the BWR, the water heated by the reactor core turns ...
UKAEA Fusion
In a power plant, which would be larger, the fusion power would be around 20 to 30 times higher than the heating power. How is electrical energy created from the reactors (heat)? In a future power plant, it is envisaged that the heat from a fusion ...
European Activation System EASY-2007
MeV) neutrons and cause significant activation of the surrounding materials. Another fusion related activity is the planned materials testing in IFMIF. This is based on an accelerator ... -2007 mean that it is applicable (with some reservations) to all situations (e.g. fission reactors or neutron sources) where materials are exposed to neutrons below 60 MeV. In addition activation ...
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Book excerpt
Breeder reactors were going to save us in the ‘70s by providing a perpetual motion machine of nuclear energy. To this day, not one of the experimental reactors has been made to work on a practical basis. Actually, we have already invented access ...
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