Results 1 - 10 from 41 for funnel shaped in 0.347 sec.
Eye On The Rainforest - Sustainable Hardwood
The leaves are long stalked heart shaped, flowers are large and funnel shaped, changing color during the day from yellow with dark red base to orange ...
Key to the Cladoniaceae of the Guianas
C. hians 25a Stereome replaced by a layer of ... colour; common in coastal white sand savanna C. sipmanii 50b All axils gaping open, often funnel-shaped; surface variegated with pale and dark patches, at least in older parts of the podetia ...
West by the end of that century.(1) Description Bindweed's leaves are arrowhead shaped and about 1/2 to 2 inches long.(6) The mature leaves at the base ... -like, and brittle. Horizontal creeping roots produce buds and new shoots.(3) The flowers are funnel-shaped, about an inch wide and range in color from white to pink.(7) Bindweed favors ...
Coral Siltation References
Ecology 186: 259-275. Riegl, B., Heine, C. & Branch, G.M. (1996). “Function of funnel-shaped coral growth in a high-sedimentation environment.” Marine Ecology Progress Series 145: 87-93. Rogers ...
Corals of Hawai'i
Corals of Hawai'i Family Faviidae Cyphastrea ocellina Growth form: small encrustation's or mushroom-shaped clumps; light reddish brown. Fine structure: calices small (1-5 mm), crowded, elevated above ... or rounded lobes; pale brown, green, or purple. Fine structure: calices large (2-6 mm), funnel-shaped, and share common walls; elevated primary septa form a ridge around the calyx. Habitat: reef ...
Energy from water - the different forms of hydropower -
Certain coastal areas have funnel-shaped bays, which have much more substantial tidal movements. During high tide, the elevated water is ...
Professor Quester Answers - Hydroelectric Power
Grain was placed into the top of a funnel-shaped container, called a hopper, and fell down between the millstones. Horizontal wheel needed fast-moving ...
Exotics Guide
The top of ... distinguished from these by the flanges on its tube and the numerous spines on its funnel-shaped operculum. There are a few other species of Ficopomatus that occur in tropical waters. In ...
Bush Morning-Glory
The flowers are funnel-shaped and up to 3 1/2 inches long. The leaves are quite ... Bindweed are white and only about an inch across, its leaves are shaped like an arrowhead and it twines instead of standing erect. Aside from ... diameter. Below that, it will abruptly swell into a huge turnip-shaped taproot as much as 2 feet thick and 5-6 feet long ...
Journey North: Loggerhead Sea Turtle Updates
Think of a shrimp trawl as a huge funnel-shaped net that is pulled horizontally behind a boat with the wide end ... turtles from being captured, a TED is put about halfway down the funnel-shaped net. The TED has some angled bars and an escape hatch. Thanks to ... can escape from. At the end of the funnel there are bars, the turtles slide down the funnel and hit the bars, then they hit a ...
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