Results 1 - 3 from 3 for fourier transform infrared ftir in 0.078 sec.
The Great Plains/Rocky Mountain HSRC - Nano-Scale Metal Oxide Particles as Reagents for Destruction and Immobilization of Hazardous Substances
Status: Work has been done with nanoscale calcium oxide (CaO) including Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) studies of the CCl4 + CaO reaction. In work on decomposition of trichloroethylene on CaO, trichloroethylene ...
GE Energy - Mobile Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry Laboratory
Systems Lifecycle Services Mobile Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry Laboratory Effectively Evaluate Emissions Our advanced mobile laboratories feature extractive Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) technology that measures ... & Benefits Fourier transform infrared technology detects virtually all gas phase compounds, but not metals, particulate matter or dioxins. Our ultra-sensitive FTIR method ...
Dissertationes Forestales 68, abstract
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and a principal component regression (PCR) technique. Wood blocks were treated with coniferyl alcohol by using a vacuum impregnation method. The effect of impregnation was assessed by FTIR ... lignin polymer in vivo and in vitro, respectively. Keywords coniferyl alcohol, FTIR, growth rate, lignin, strength properties, weight density Back Updated: 30.05. ...