Results 1 - 10 from 35 for fouling organisms in 0.274 sec.
Marine Careers :: Marine Biology
An example of an application of biotechnology research can be seen in industry or defense, where researchers have developed non-toxic coatings that prevent the build-up of fouling organisms, ... very useful when the organism in question is microscopic or similar to other organisms. The study of disease in organisms has also been aided by the use of molecular techniques. Researchers ...
Exotics Guide
Once it colonizes a ... west coast of North America as fouling on ship hulls. It is common in fouling and has often been found on ship ... subtorquata is thought to have traveled to both countries in hull fouling, for the reasons discussed earlier. Curiously, in both countries Watersipora ...
Enteromorpha flexuosa
E. flexuosa is considered an invasive and fouling species in much of the world. This is an opportunistic species that has ... , another pioneer green alga species. Both are fouling organisms associated with industrial pollution. Anti-fouling studies investigating control and/or eradication of fouling species identify these two species as serious ...
Journey North: Loggerhead Sea Turtle Updates
Animals that feed on benthic (bottom living) organisms might have the transmitter tether get caught on rocks or on coral. This would prevent ... to its shell for the rest of its life." "These transmitters can with time have fouling organisms attach to their surfaces. The transmitter would then be too heavy to float and would ...
July News 1999
Diana Barshaw Rich and Don Rich also spent many hours snorkeling in the pound and started a species list describing which organisms inhabit ...
WWF - Shipping problems: Foul anti-fouling paints
The hull of a ship is a perfect home for marine species such as algae and barnacles. But these so-called fouling organisms slow down ships, increase fuel consumption, and reduce ship durability. People have long used various chemicals to keep their ships free of fouling organisms. In the 1960s, ...
CRC Reef Research Centre
Science 2001 Reports Underwater hitchhikers on the bottom of boats Yacht owners know that removing fouling organisms from the hull of their boat can be expensive and laborious ... 2000 Reports The ... between mathematicians and marine biologists are providing new insights into ocean currents that connect organisms ... Dugongs in the Great Barrier Reef: the current state of research One of the ...
CRC Reef Research Centre
FOULING ORGANISMS The growth of sessile plants and invertebrates on submerged artificial surfaces is commonly referred to as 'fouling'. Fouling organisms occur on a wide range of structures, such as floating docks, pilings, underwater cables and breakwalls. Fouling organisms are the same species ...
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Background Information - Research and Management Priorities for Aquatic Invasive Species in the Great Lakes
How Are Nonindigenous Species Getting Into The Great Lakes? Where Are These Organisms (Species) Coming From? What Effect Are These Organisms Having On The Great Lakes? 1. How Many Aquatic Nonindigenous ... (see below). Hull fouling may also be a contributing factor, but is not believed to be a significant vector for new introductions to the Great Lakes. Most freshwater fouling organisms are not ...
alien species surveys
The ecosystems effects of these species can be great, and the results of our surveys ...
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