Results 1 - 10 from 191 for flying and feeding in 0.557 sec.
Sable Island Birds Nesting I
Sable Island, standing on the beach or feeding just offshore. On several occasions, usually in winter and spring, 1000s have been seen during one day, flying and feeding along the north side of the island ... choice of nesting terrain. Terns Sable Island is an important breeding area for Common and Arctic Terns, and for a very small number of Roseate Terns. The number of nesting terns has ...
Bird Sightings at Sable Island to Nov 05 2003
September to early November. On October 21, >1000 (including 1st and 2nd year, and adults) flying and feeding along ... Light and East Light. Northern Shrike (2) - October 24, 2 between West Light and the Station. Water Pipit (>15) - October 11, 1 at West Pond; October 12, >15 flying over and feeding in ...
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EMS - Environmental Entomology - Invertebrate Surveys and Conservation - Bird and Insect Databases
Berlin and of nesting in sand dunes in the ... and nuts and land snails and insects Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 none n/k none travel up to 2km from nest to first feeding area; feral colonies in England n/a n/a n/a Aix sponsa (Linnaeus 1758) Wood Duck sponsa (Linnaeus 1758) monotypic feral populations in midland and ...
Preliminary study of the behavior and ecology of axis deer on Maui,
Thus most open-area feeding occurred in late afternoon, during the night, and during the first hours of daylight. In cooler weather, feeding extended over much ... first noting the activity of common mynas; these birds were attracted to deer and often were seen flying to and from or remaining perched on deer. The deer tended to be gregarious, with ...
Preliminary study of the behavior and ecology of Jackson's chameleons of
Maui, Hawaii
The Jackson's chameleons were truly sit-and-wait (ambush) predators on moving invertebrates, opportunistically taking flying and crawling insects and spiders as their primary diet. While chameleons ... , mouth, and tongue (as if making final comfort adjustments) concluded the feeding sequence. Under normal arboreal circumstances, the diet of chameleons commonly varies from one feeding bout ...
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The Hawk Conservancy Trust - Group rates and conditions
Our Vulture Restaurant takes place at 11.30am, when the vultures can be seen feeding together and you can observe how they interact with each other and listen to a ... access, also a special viewing area in the flying grounds for wheelchairs. The disabled toilet is situated ...
WWF - Marine Turtle Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean
Real and Present Danger: Flag State Failure and Maritime Security and Safety, a joint WWF and ...
Coastal and Pelagic Birds of Long Island
As the name suggests it is active at night and during dusk when birds can be seen flying to feeding grounds, often vocalizing quock! quock! as they go by. Yellow- ... spring and fall migrant. Its shallow rapid wingbeats while flying and its constant bobbing of its tail while walking are diagnostic. Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus) - this large attractive shorebird is an uncommon spring and ...
Article 11 POLLUTION The Contracting Parties, recognizing the adverse effect that polluting discharges or emissions may have on natural processes and the ... 7. Geomyda spinosa 8. Hylobates muelleri Grey gibbon 9. Hylobates lepidus Grey-cheeked flying . squirrel 10. Ichtyophaga ichtyaetus Grey-headed fishing . eagle 11. Macaca fascicularis Long-tailed ...
DSWF - Rescue and release programme for victims of Zambia’s poaching war
Shezongo and Musungwa, ZAWA officials and VIPs from Lusaka, including the British High Commissioner (HC) and his daughter. Flying in for the day, they had a game drive to camp and refreshments before being shown our new ellie stalls and, of course, our ellies. All four were perfectly behaved, coming down to the lake and feeding and posing for photos ...
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