fisheries interests

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SCS: Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus)
Fisheries Defence Clause each year in Scotland. Conservation groups are attempting to promote the development ... would monitor the seals' progress, counter the threats that face them, including calls from fisheries interests for culls, and work towards greater legal protection for the island's grey seal ...

Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee
Fisheries Advisory Committee NOAA Fisheries MAFAC MAFAC Home Charter Membership Subcommittees Recreational Fisheries Working Group Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee Next Meeting: November 11-13, 2008 New Orleans, LA Members' Area The Marine Fisheries ... a wide spectrum of fisheries interests, environmental, academic, state, tribal, consumer and other related national interests. The committee ...

FISHERIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE - CHARTER NOAA Fisheries MAFAC MAFAC Home Charter Membership Subcommittees Recreational Fisheries Working Group Charter Charter | Members | Subcommittee | Recreational Fisheries U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE CHARTER OF THE MARINE FISHERIES ... a national, state, or regional organization representing marine fisheries interests. d. Experience in managing and conserving fishery ... More from this site

ITQs in Fisheries: Australia
ITQs in Fisheries: Australia Topic Area: Individual Transferable Quotas (ITQ) in Fisheries Geographic Area: Australia Focal Question: How successful has the introduction of ITQs been? Sources: (1) ... catch a given tonnage of fish, the ITQ system harmonized short term and long term interests. Total resource rents under ITQs were equal to $6.5 million, compared to an estimated ...

The Common Fisheries Policy: A Sinking Ship
Europe wants good and efficient stewardship of its fisheries. Yet EU officials, notably adviser to the European Fisheries Commission Christoph Nordmann, say that the ITQ system is not likely ... system across the entire EU would be hard to envisage because of the many fisheries and political interests at work. But as Mr. Nordmann acknowledges, any EU country could establish its own ...

Environment Probe Campaigns - De-politicize Canada's fisheries
Canada's fisheries. The extent to which the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) has become politicized, and the tragic results, ... to manage our fisheries. Focussed on the next election, they choose actions with short-term political payoffs, even if they might have disastrous long-term consequences. Beholden to special interests, they ... More from this site

Overview of the Conference: Climate and Fisheries 2005
Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, BC Ministry of Environment - Climate Branch, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Science Branch, Pacific Resource Fisheries Conservation Council, and Pacific ... dialogue and share information and knowledge between often isolated groups and interests. The program is structured to host discussions among biologists, climatologists, oceanographers, sociologists ...

Welcome to Forest and Bird
Fisheries Act under threat Stronger Fisheries Act under threat In March this year Fisheries Minister Jim Anderton put forward a Fisheries Amendment Bill to strengthen the Fisheries Act to make sure that our fisheries ... term interests. Our objective is supported by iwi and many recreational fishing groups - both Maori and Pakeha - who make up the Hokianga Accord.” (Mid-north iwi regional fisheries ...

Stolpe, Nils Anatomy of an Anti-Fishing Campaign May 1999 "In their latest assault, the anti-commercial fishing interests are attempting to equate the use of bottom-tending trawls and dredges to the supposed environmental catastrophe called timber clear-cutting," writes Stolpe, a fisheries consultant with the Garden State Fisheries ...

Sustainable Fisheries - Ocean News
President Clinton called for greater protection of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, conservationists and fishing interests are still at odds over how much, if any, fishing should be allowed there. ... will be Pacific cod, black rockfish and fisheries for other groundfish that would have opened Saturday. The waters closed by the Division of Commercial Fisheries stretch from Spray Cape to Cape ...

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