Results 1 - 10 from 11 for felis chaus in 0.257 sec.
Baloch Cheetah Survey 1
Caracal, Felis caracal, the Jungle Cat Felis chaus and the Sand Cat, Felis margarita scheffeli, from them. Most of them had seen the Jungle Cat, Felis chaus, called JUNGLI BILLA, which they ...
Thai Cats
Phu Khieo WS also contains leopard P. pardus, fishing cat Prionailurus viverrinus and jungle cat Felis chaus. As a grassland species, the jungle cat is probably one of the rarest cats in ...
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Ranthambore Tiger Reserve,Ranthambore Wildlife Sanctuary,Ranthambore
Tiger Reserve in India
Ranthambhore are Leopard (Panthera pardus), Caracal (Felis caracal), Leopard Cat (Felis bengalensis), Fishing Cat ( Felis viverrina) and the Jungle Cat (Felis chaus). Besides the big cats, the other large predators found in ...
Chinese Desert Cat,Chinese Brown Desert Cat,Dark Brown Desert Cat of
It's undersides are very pale. Zoological Name: Felis bieti Distribution: This cat is distributed over these regions of China: Tibet., Qinghai and Sichuan ... appearance: The Chinese desert cat is very closely related to the wildcat (Felis silvestris) and the jungle cat (Felis chaus); it may yet prove to be a subspecies of one of these two ...
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Dicerorhinus sumatrensis Sumatran rhinoceros 13. Ducula mindorensis Mindoro imperial pigeon 14. Felis temmincki Golden cat 15. Helarctos malayanus Malayan honey bear 16. Hylobates agilis Agile ... Accipiter nisus European sparrow hawk 3. Chilasa agestor agestor 4. Felis chaus Jungle cat 5. Felis minuta Leopard cat 6. Felis viverrina Fishing cat 7. Geomyda spinosa 8. Hylobates muelleri Grey ...
Detailed information on hybridisation in big cats. Includes tigons, ligers, leopons and others.
Rusty-spotted cats (felis rubiginosa), Asian jungle cats (felis chaus), African wildcats (felis silvestris libyca), Scottish wildcats (felis silvestris grampia), and European wildcats (felis silvestris), will all hybridise quite readily. Making ...
WWF - Hengduan Shan Coniferous Forests - A Global Ecoregion
(Macaca thibetana), Tufted deer (Elaphodus cephalophus), Indian muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak), Jungle cat (Felis chaus), spotted Linsang (Prionodon pardicolor), the vulnerable Clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), and the Asiatic black bear ...
Baloch Cheetah Survey 2
This is obvious from the high incidence of livestock killings. The Jungle Cat (Felis chaus) is still to be found in this region, mostly near human settlements and cultivated areas ...
Chinese Mtn Cat
Chinese mountain cat, several specimens of Felis silvestris, ornata group (Asiatic wildcat), as well as Otocolobus manul (Palla’s cat) and Felis chaus (Jungle cat) were examined for comparative purposes. ... in the genus Felis, but showing some primitive characters that could be misleading about its relationships. The presence in Felis bieti of characters found in Prionailurus, Lynx, F. chaus or O. ...
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Jungle Cat
Cat Scientific Name: Felis Chaus aka: Jungle Cat ... Felis Chaus - Iran, Pakistan, Afganistan, Central Asia Felis Chaus Affinis - Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Yunnan, Himalaya Felis Chaus Fulvidina - Thiland, Mynamar Felis Chaus Furax - Iraq, Syria Felis Chaus Kelaarti - Sri Lanka Felis Chaus Kutas - Eastern India, Bangladesh Felis Chaus Nilotica - Egypt Felis Chaus Oxiana - Southwestern Russia Felis Chaus ...