federal timber

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Results 1 - 10 from 327 for federal timber in 0.242 sec.

CWAC News June 2003
U.S. committed to ending the commercial exploitation of federal public lands, beginning with the federal timber sale program. The report is available online at http://www.greenpeaceusa. ... Administration was selling out the public, and this admission by the federal government proves our point,” said Katers. The federal government also acknowledged that the settlement was worth only $10. ...

Native Forest Council: Learn
The Forest Service admits that it loses $1.2 billion dollars managing the federal timber program every year.Check out this report on how the Forest Service mismanages our ... money by allowing your public lands to be logged. Because big timber corporations out fund the congressional gravy train. Because timber industry lobbyists and their congressional lackeys will continue to push ...

Death of a sawmill
The verdict was a unanimous "No." The never-reported truth is that the family-owned sawmills that survived the decade-long collapse of the federal timber sale program no longer have much interest in doing business with a government they no longer trust. Most now get their timber from lands they've ...

Taxpayers Will Foot Cost of Timber Industry Boondoggle, Jim DiPeso
Taxpayers, hang on to your wallets, because the Tongass timber gravy train is chugging your way. Every year, the taxpayer subsidy for Tongass timber sales totals ... more subsidies for money losing timber sales. But the fun for the taxpayers doesn't end there. Logging roads punched into virgin forest will become a federal liability, adding to a Forest ...

Brief History of the Direct Federal Highway Construction Program
During its 70-year history, FHWA direct Federal forces have worked almost exclusively on Federal domain lands, utilizing Federal funding. The variety of work has ranged from the tropical ... freeways and parkways around Washington, DC, to one-land timber access roads in remote forest area. Today, the direct Federal highway program is an integral part of the overall program ...

Boycott Woodchipping Campaign Manual - Timber Industry
Boral Timber distributed a memo purporting to be an authoritative summary of events at The Wilderness ... away by logging "bandits" to the woodchip mill18; and campaigned for the establishment of a Federal-State "terrorism" taskforce to investigate conservation groups in connection with damage to machinery in the ...

Boycott Woodchipping Campaign Manual - Timber Industry
In the week before the 1993 Federal election things were running hot in Circular Head. There had been a public meeting of 200 people supporting the timber industry, featuring speakers such as ... Common Courage Press, Monroe Maine, 1995, pp 167-75. Australia: Bob Burton, Stealth Attack: Boral Timber's undercover attack on The Wilderness Society, The Wilderness Society, February 1995; Bob Burton, ... More from this site

Non Timber Forest Products: IFCAE NTFP Publications
Jennifer Gilden, and Greg Dyson. 2002. Federal Non-Timber Forest Policy and Management. In Jones, Eric T.; Rebecca J. McLain and James F. Weigand (editors). Non-Timber Forest Product Policy and Management in ... Eric T. Jones, and Rebecca J. McLain. 2001. Recent Trends Non Timber Forest Products in the Pacific Northwest. In, Non Timber Forest Products in the United States Research and Policy Issues ...

John Muir Project - Exploiting Federal Lands
The initiative would set aside money made from the timber operations to pay for forest-fire prevention programs, which could ... lawmakers, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., has paid lip service to reducing flammable undergrowth from federal forests, but in fact has promoted programs that increase removal of mature trees. "Thinning is ...

John Muir Project - Ban roads in federal forests, but go a step further and end logging as well
The Clinton administration, to its credit, proposed to protect these wild lands. The Bush administration, to its shame, reversed that policy and invited timber ... we must protect all remaining forests on federal public lands, roadless and otherwise. In short, we must end the timber sales program on federal lands, and redirect current logging expenditures into ... More from this site

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