fccu upsets

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Wet Gas Scrubbers for petrochemical industry; features & benefits - Hamon Research-Cottrell
FCCU operations (e.g. increased FCCU feedrate, change in feed sulfur level, cyclone wear through) and FCCU upsets without experiencing operational problems or causing upsets for the upstream FCCU. In ... FCCU upsets are not a problem. Upsets that units have handled without any shutdown time include: A sudden loss to the WGS of total FCCU inventory (300 tons in five minutes), Complete FCCU ...

Refinery Reform Campaign
Refinery Campaign Groups Confront Refinery and Agency Over "Poor" Rating & Upsets/Flaring TCEQ to Hold First Ever Public Hearing on Refinery ... dioxide being released to the air. 27 October 2003 - The FCCU shutdown when the combustion air blower tripped off, resulting in ... the failure to notify the agency regarding upsets and the excess emissions caused by "upsets." Motiva's Title V permit must include ...